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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

I Gave Moxidectin To My Australian Shepherd

by Nuno

I gave moxidectin (Guardian) for the protection of heartworm. Two vaccines so far no problems.

My vet said that my Aussie does not suffer from the MDR1 gene mutation even though we did not have the DNA tests because my Aussie parents did the test and gave zero.

But right now I'm afraid I'll give you the vaccine.

Comments for I Gave Moxidectin To My Australian Shepherd

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MDR1 genetics
by: Anonymous

What your vet said is true, according to the reputable Aussie breeders I have spoken with. If both parents are tested and do not have the MDR1 mutation, their offspring will be clear as well.
If heartworm is present in your area it is important to give the vaccine, it is a serious illness. I hope this will ease your mind about vaccinating your dog.

by: Sue

The Vet I worked for stopped carrying this product due to dogs getting sick and some dying. Nothing to do with MDR1 Gene, happened to many dogs. I would never use this product or Trifexis or similar like Bravecto. Use Sentinal if you want combo heartworm/flea prevention or a topical like Advantage.

by: Nuno

Also forgot to say that my aussie is with a small liver intoxication in we do not know what was due.
Are doing a 2 month treatment with tablets, in relation to the parents of my Aussie there is not sure that they did the MDR gene test.
For the sake of conscientiousness I will have MDR1 gene tested for my Aussie.

by: Nuno

I forgot to say that my Aussie is with a small intoxication in the liver, have to do a treatment of 2 months with some tablets to detoxify the liver.
The vet does not know the cause of this intoxication.
While the parents of my Aussie are not sure if they did the genetic test of MDR1.
But I'm going to do the MDR1 genetic test to my Aussie.

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