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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

I Love You My Little Sherman Tank

by Joyce Whitcomb
(Smithville, Mo)

I adopted Sherman Feb of 2005 from the Aussie rescue. Not until a week after I had him home did I find out he was deaf. It didn't matter I fell in love with his Aussie wiggle and his permanently happy attitude. We developed our own sign language. He developed scoliosis of the back a few years ago. The other night he went down and was unable to stand. I knew it was time and so did he, he didn't struggle or fight to stand, he just looked at me as if to say "it's ok, it's time". The vet came to the house after hours. Things went smoothly as I sobbed in his beautiful red coat. That was June 28, 2011. I miss him terribly.

I have another dog who is Collie/Aussie mix. He misses him too. He walks around the house and looks for him, then looks back at me. I hug him and tell him I miss him too.

I called him my little Sherman tank because of him being deaf he would many times just plow his way through to where he wanted to go. He did eventually learn to wait and watch me for instruction.
What a wonderful dog he was. My mother who is housebound was always thrilled to see him when we would go over. He was a gentleman always.

God bless him. I will see him at the Rainbow Bridge when my time comes, along with all the rest of my beloved pets.

Joyce Whitcomb

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Jul 04, 2011
Sherman Tank
by: Nonnie

Dear Joyce,
I am so sorry to hear about your Sherman. We had a black tri mini Aussie who became ill one week before her first birthday of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage. When I put her to bed at 9 she was fine two hours later we were rushing her to the Animal ER. It was awful! There was nothing they could do to stop the bleeding. At 2:00 a.m. we held her while they administered the drugs that would take her out of her pain ... but away from us. We were heartbroken for months.

Now we have two Aussies. One blue-eyed blue merle mini and brown eyed black tri toy. We absolutely adore them!! Please find another one to help heal the blank space that Sherman left when he died. No dog can replace him, but he would want you to be happy - he made you smile and he would want that to continue.

We will see our Carly Jo and our black toy poodle, Cassie, and you will see your Sherman. They are probably playing together as we "speak".


Jul 04, 2011
So sorry
by: Anonymous

it was so good of you to keep him, even after you discovered he was deaf. I can imagine how much laughter he must have brought you, from your discription. they can be a handful, but oh such a delight.
I'm glad you had those years together. but still, I'm sure,there must be times when you are sad, and you miss him.

We had a a boy, who died this pass sept of epileptic seizures; he was only 5 years old. we loved him so much, that when he passed, we went and got another one to fill the void. He makes us laugh, and we love him dearly, but we also have a Chihuahua(my daughter's dog)and he doesn't like him. they fuss and fight all the time. the chi is a sweetheart,except he is very dominant and territorial. We also have a 14 year old girl mix,and she's calm, and just wants to be left alone. we're not sure how much time she has, she's been kind of sick of late.

I'm glad you have another dog, that helps, but maybe, later, if and when you decided, you might consinsider resqueing another dog; just make sure your other dog gets along with him/her.

I wish you the best.

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