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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

I Miss You My Darling Piper

by Maria

Enjoying the beach

Enjoying the beach

I write this in the hope that it might save another dog from a horrible, tragic accident. I only had my beloved Piper for a short but wonderful 7 years. I did not see the empty potato chip bag my son left on the floor of his room while he was home from college; that he had left his door open. The potato chip bag was just too tempting. I noticed too late that she was not in the room with us and my poor baby suffocated on that bag because she could not get her head out. I never, ever thought such a horrible accident could happen. I feel like I failed her. My sweet baby... I miss her so much!!

Comments for I Miss You My Darling Piper

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Aug 14, 2011
I miss you Piper
by: Marilyn

Oh Maria, I can't tell you how much my heart hurts for you right now. What a very difficult thing to have to go thru. Just remember, as horrible as this must be for you, none of us is perfect and able to prevent every sad accident. That is why they are called accidents. Poor little girl, so very, very sorry for your loss.

Aug 14, 2011
so sad
by: Anonymous

oh my god, that is aweful, I am so sorry for you. My heart just broke when I read your story.
I pray you find peace in your memories. Thank you for averting us to this danger.we have to be so careful, like toys and such as well. one of my cats once got his head stuck though a plastic bag, and almost strangled himself as he was trying to runaway from the bag. I never leave the collars on my dogs in the house for fear they will get their jaws caught in each others collars, and the toys cannot be too small, that could get lodged in their throats. like I said, so many things.
your boy was so beautiful. I lost my boy after only 5 years to epilepsy, so I know your pain as well.

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