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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

I'm Thinking Of Getting An Aussie. First Time Aussie Owner, Miniature Or Australian Shepherd?

by Kaitlyn

Hi, I was wondering what kind of lifestyle an Aussie requires? I have been doing a lot of research on the breed for about 5-6 months. I found this forum and thought I'd ask some Aussie owners.

I'm not sure If I should get an Australian Shepherd or a Miniature Australian Shepherd? Is there any difference except size? How much exercise do they require a day? Does the Miniature require less? We will be moving to North Carolina and will be living in town. We also have Labs. Would he be ok with them? Thanks for all your help!


Note from Anton: I know this can be a hot-button issue for many so please keep comments educational and civil. You can find more info about Aussie vs Mini Aussie here.

Comments for I'm Thinking Of Getting An Aussie. First Time Aussie Owner, Miniature Or Australian Shepherd?

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same difference
by: Anonymous

we had an Australian Shepherd, who died at age 5, but we now have a toy Aussie, and honestly, outside of their size, there really isn't much difference. they are great, and will be fine with any other dog breed, I find smaller are easier to exercise,they eat a little less, and are easier to carry around, and pick up if need be; in the end, its up to you and your preference, and if you think your labs will be ok with either size (don't want him to get hurt).
enjoy, either way.

Mini Aussie
by: Nonnie

We have a blue-eyed, blue merle female mini-Aussie and a black tri toy Aussie. The toy is more reserved and less active, but that is her personality, not that fact that she is a toy. Our mini is frisbee crazy and very active. They are both very loving, loyal, smart and adorable. Choose the dog that fits your family, you will never be sorry.

Good luck - keep us informed here!

I would say a full size Aussie
by: Anonymous

All Aussies are great, but I, honestly, prefer the full sized Aussies. I am sure that all mini-Aussie owners will tell you to get a mini, and I admit that I AM a full-sized Aussie owner, but I think that a full-sized would be the best option for you, because if you got a mini or toy, they might feel overwhelmed by the large Labs, and due to their herding instincts, it might be frustrating for a small herding dog to be pushed around by some bigger retrievers...
Anyway, good luck, and enjoy your Aussie (I'm sure you will!)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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