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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Is Bravecto (Fluralaner) Safe For Australian Shepherds?

Is Bravecto (Fluralaner) safe for Aussies?

Comments for Is Bravecto (Fluralaner) Safe For Australian Shepherds?

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Bravecto (Fluralaner) Appears Safe For Dogs With MDR1 Gene Mutation
by: Anton

(Bravecto (Fluralaner) is a long-acting oral flea and tick control drug.)

Generally, the concern is sensitivity to drugs due to the MDR1 gene mutation. According to this study... "No adverse events were observed subsequent to fluralaner treatment of MDR1(-/-) Collies at three times the highest expected clinical dose."
(Edited: Thanks to the commentor below that indicated that this study may be flawed due to its small sample size and that deaths have been reported among breeds with the MDR1 gene mutation.)

Read this article for more information about the MDR1 gene mutation which also affects Australian Shepherds.

That said, always consult with your vet before giving your dog medications as there may be other issues.

Bravecto Use
by: Stephanie

I gave it to my Jethro who is 5 years old and there were no adverse effects whatsoever and it worked. I have tried the collars and men's that you put on the fur but this worked like a charm!

Bravecto not tolerated
by: Anonymous

We have 2 Aussies, the one became very lethargic on Bravecto, and gained weight. This improved shortly after stopping it. I tried it a second time and the same thing happened. Too bad, because it was so convenient and effective!

No not safe!!
by: Anonymous

No it's not safe. The MDR1 gene test was very small, just 16 dogs in test & 8 got Bravecto & 8 a placebo.

There are a lot of MDR1 gene breeds listed in reported deaths.

by: Mike van de Sande

No Bravecto is definitely not a safe drug. My dog Rico died after administration, and my other dog had many issues for months, acting completely different, was lethargic and had a very bad appetite for 5 months. An insecticide does NOT belong in the body of our dogs. Coconut oil is a great natural repellant. Visit my website "IS BRAVECTO SAFE" for more info

70,000 Does BRAVECTO Kill Dogs?
by: Anonymous

BEFORE EVEN CONSIDERING FEEDING THIS INSECTICIDE TO YOUR BELOVED PET please refer to the 70,000 members worldwide in Germany Netherlands USA DOES BRAVECTO KILL DOGS? IS BRAVECTO SAFE? and read the stories and see the photos of the sick dieing and dead DOGS 😵😵😵😢😢😢

One of too many Bravecto's victims
by: Anke Antonides

My dog died last year, suffering from several inexplicable and terribly painful symptoms, 10 days after I had given him Bravecto. My vet reported he had never experienced this before and did not rule out that Bravecto had caused my dog's death.

Bravecto is NOT safe for ANY dog...
by: Antoinette LeRoux

There has been a whole lot if controversy around this drug and its two sister drugs, Nexgard and Simparica. These three are listed as a new group of drugs called Isoxazolines, and are neurotoxins. Thousands of dogs have experienced serious adverse reactions after taking either of these drugs, a large numbers of the reported cases ending in death. In some cases death came instant and in other cases only after a long time of suffering of the dog. My brother's dog (a Labrador) became completely blind after two doses of Bravecto and only now, after more than a year of no Bravecto at all, does she show signs of recovering her vision. There is not enough known about these comparatively new drugs on the market, especially in the long term, and I definitely DO NOT recommend administering them to ANY dog, at ANY age. Not only dogs with MDR1, but all dogs are at risk. MDR1 dogs, however, feature high on the list of mortality rate after any of the three drugs involved.

by: Fenneken

Bravecto and other chemical drugs are dangerous to animals, humans and environment! Do not use Bravecto!

A big fat NO
by: Anonymous

Just read FB site Does Bravecto Kill Dogs? Dogs are suffering terribly. It may not be after the first dose as in my dog .There's no antidote .Liver detox essential. MILK THISTLE DANDELION ROOT AND LEAF AND ALBIZZIA drops. Get it made up by a herbalist.

Bravecto kills dogs!
by: Charlie

My Husky German Shepherd cross, Lady, had to be put down one month after receiving a Bravecto tablet. She was given the tablet on 14/5/17, and a month later, she was reduced to being completely paralyzed, totally lethargic, panting, with next to no appetite. A full blood analysis showed there were no adverse illnesses. Lady was in perfect health, just as she was before receiving the tablet. We'll never know exactly what the cause was, but I'll never forgive myself for giving her the tablet. I went against my better judgement, after reading about many cases of dogs becoming sick after Bravecto. I discussed it with the vet, who assured me that it was quite safe for dogs to have the tablet. But now, I can't change what has happened. I would give anything to have Lady back. We rescued her from the streets of Romania 9 years ago, and brought her back to Germany where she lived a grateful, active, fulfilled life in our loving care. She did not deserve to have her life end prematurely. I've owned dogs all my life, but Lady was very special. I'm going to do the best I can to put the word out there about this poisonous, pesticide laced tablet. The active ingredient, Fluralaner, is no different to what farmers spray their crops with, and it certainly has no place on any of our four legged friends. All dog owners should make every effort to inform themselves before giving any chemical treatments to their pets. Do not simply rely on the advice and recommendations of so called professionals. Once upon a time, in the 1960s, they also told pregnant women that it was safe to take Thalidomide. Thousands of women gave birth to a generation of deformed babies, of which only around 50% survived. Lady, you will be in our hearts forever.

Simparica killed my Aussie
by: Kim Jacobs IL

My beautiful sweet Emmy Lu had a reaction 3 days after the 2nd dose. Unfortunately I attributed her extreme lethargy to something else. Immediately after the 3rd dose she began to have seizures and died 12 hours later. If you want to kill your pet, I highly recommend using it. Very effective, unfortunately.

Bravecto kills dogs
by: Anonymous

I allowed my vet to administer Bravecto to 5 of my GSD's, a decision I will regret for the rest of my life. I found Shadow 48 hrs later in seizure and despite everything I did she died in my arms, Max and Cujo began a downhill slide within days of receiving Bravecto and despite numerous visits and a multitude of tests by my vet, with no explanation of what was happening to them they just wasted away to the point the only humane thing was to euthanize them, this was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.the other 2 tolerated the drug, but not without issues. They too suffered rapid weight loss, diarreha and vomiting but survived.All 5 were in great health with no underlying issues prior to being given this poison and I live with the quilt and loss daily. Please, if you truly love your dogs, do not give this poison to them. The benefit is not worth the risk.

Bravecto is not safe for any dog
by: Dave Martin

The FDA estimates that only 1% of the dogs experiencing serious side effects and/or death are reported simply because the owners did not know about reporting or they didn't make the connection to Bravecto. Of my 15 GSD's 5 were given Bravecto. 3 died, 2 became seriously ill but survived. The other 10 did not need flea and tick drugs as the were either house pets or in concrete kennels and had absolutely no issues. The 5 that died or had health issues were extremely healthy and had no underlying issues. Bravecto is akin to Russian Roulette in that the game is not over til something dies. You may dodge the bullet for awhile but if it doesn't effect your dog outright, it will eventually shorten your dogs lifespan and health down the road. The benefit does not negate the risk and I will live with the loss and quilt of having given it to them for the rest of my life.

Megaesophagus 8 days after taking Bravecto
by: Dana, Ottawa Canada

My 4 year old Golden Doodle Louie was given Bravecto at the end of April. Just over a week later, he started to cough. That turned into foam and vomit. The emergency clinic kept him for four days and ran X-rays, blood etc. he was diagnosed with Aspiration Pneumonia due to Megaesophagus. They called it Ideopathic. No underlying illness had caused it. He lost 10 lbs. a couple of weeks later, X-rays showed pneumonia was cleared, and Megaesophagus had resolved. His esophagus looked normal. Now, 8 weeks later, the symptoms have returned. Megaesophagus is a lifetime condition, and in many cases cases, dogs die as a result of the ensuing aspiration pneumonia. My vet reported this to Merck. I Think Bravecto caused this. This dog was robust, and healthy, and then VERY SICK. I regret the day I listened to the vet who said it was safe. I am kicking myself that I didn't read these stories first. Please DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOGS this poison!

Visit Does Bravecto Kill Dogs? on Facebook
by: Anonymous

I would research any food or chemical I give my dogs after a close call with our Boxer Finny and Nexgard. Please visit Does Bravecto Kill Dogs? for many articles, advice and frightening stories of adverse reactions. Best wishes to you and your dogs xox

Do not give this toxic poison to your dog!
by: Kim j

My otherwise healthy dog started having violent seizures, wouldn't eat, droopy eye and right side of his face, loss of balance, tremors and a general change in personality 10 days after simparica. I am one of the lucky ones because after several thousand in undiagnosed vet bills and a consult with a holistic vet and a thorough detox, he is almost 100% and has not had anymore seizures. Toxic poison. We wash our fruits and vegetables and. It organic to avoid this poison yet we pay high prices to feed it to our beloved pets. Please at least research it.

Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica... these serve no real purpose since they don't repel the pests...
by: Antoinette le Roux

I have left a comment earlier, but would like too add the following:

The logical reason for pet parents to use a chemical against ticks and fleas, is to keep them these pests from climbing onto your pet in the first place. That considered, why then use these useless drugs, since they actually to not repel these insects. They are designed to be absorbed into the bloodstream of your pet, and the pests have to take blood meals from your precious fur kid in order to die. This means that even though the insect dies, your pet can still get tick borne diseases from infected ticks as well as tapeworm infestations form fleas.that carry these intestinal parasites. Exactly how does that make Bravecto, Nexgard or Simparica worth in any way, especially since your fur baby can die after taking these neurotoxins?? Think about it!

Not safe for any dog!
by: Anonymous

Sold as safe for MDRI gene breeds. Test was tiny, only 16 dogs in test of which 8 got Bravecto and 8 a placebo.

The EMA have finally announced after the recent safely study that a seizure warning will be added to the oral tablet. Seizures already an admitted side effect to the ingredient Fluralaner on the spot on versions for dogs and cats.

Is Bravecto (Fluralaner) Safe For Australian Shepherds?
by: Anonymous

I gave my Aussie a tablet of Bravecto about a month ago and so far there have been no problems with his health.
This is the second time I give you the Bravecto tablet and I usually take it for a Vectra 3D pipette.

Russian roulette
by: Anonymous

I will never ever understand these people who already know about the reputation of these poisonous treatments Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica, Credelio, Trifexis, vectra 3D, Comfortis etcetera, that someone wants to play Russian Roulette with his or her own dog. Would you really do the same when the discussion was about your son or daughter?! These drugs are purely poison and should be taken off the market immediately. It' s all about the money...

Bravecto and Vestibular Syndrome
by: Anonymous

My baby is actually a Border Collie, and "coincidentally" was diagnosed with sudden onset vestibular syndrome 2 days after receiving Bravecto. One month later she still has a head tilt and poor coordination. Is it possible her vestibular syndrome is not related to Bravecto - yes certainly. But I've now read too many reports of coincidental seizures and vestibular syndrome in dogs within days of ingesting Bravecto.

high number of reported side effects
by: Mike van de Sande

The main problem with this drug is that dog owners are usually not informed by their vet about the high number of reported side effects of these oral treatments (the same with similar products like Simparica, Nexgard, Credelio, Trifexis etc.).
1. Reported serious side effects (after administration of Bravecto) to the European Medication Agency as of August 2018: 8692 cases
2. Reported animals that died after administration of Bravecto: 2056
Please note that only about 1 % of the animal owners does actually report side effects to the authorities. Many animal owners also don't make the connection when their dog gets ill or dies after bravecto (unfortunately many vets deny this relationship, even when no other cause of death can be explained). The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently confirmed that "fluralaner", the active ingredient in Bravecto, may cause epilepsy/convulsions ("neurologic adverse events") with dogs, even with dogs without a history of this. So why would we treat our dogs with a controversial oral treatment which includes pesticides? There are safe natural solutions. Facebook group: IS BRAVECTO SAFE


Flea season is starting and I gave our 4-year-old Australian Shepherd Bravecto and Sentinal 48 hours ago. Yesterday he attacked and mauled my 11 year old daughter in the face unprovoked. She potentially will need plastic surgery. Today all day he has been licking his lips and acting sketchy. It is the weekend and there are no vets to help me today. The best we have been able to do is keep him locked up. Monday he will be put down. So sad and traumatizing for our whole family. Do not give this terrible drug to your pet!!

Killed my australian shepherd
by: Michelle

One monday morning i gave my sons 6 year old beautiful, healthy australian shepherd "marley" spot on 6 month bravecto. I placed the drops on her back and within 8 hours she began seizing. She was raced to the vet with high temperatures and given cold baths to try and bring her temperature down. She was sedated and given a drip for 24 hours but eventually died after the temperatures had cooked her insides. Marleys reaction to bravecto spot on was so horrible i dont even want anyone to have to go through what we had to witness. Obviously 6 months of poison pumped into a dog in one application was too much for her body to handle. Bravecto spot on 6 months should be taken off the market.

Bravecto Killed My 3-Year Old Aussie
by: Anonymous

I lost my healthy, young (3-year-old) Australian Shepherd to complications I believe flowed from Bravecto. In 2017, I switched from Frontline topical to Bravecto because I had a baby in the house and the liquid treatments made me nervous. I was assured the Bravecto was safe. Shortly after receiving his second dose, mu Aussie began dragging his feet and then lost all use of his back legs. The ultimate diagnosis was idiopathic immune-mediated granulomatous meningoencephalitis. He was placed on prednisone which afforded him use of his back legs but suppressed his immune system. He had to be euthanized less than a year later after contracting a lung infection that put a hole in his lung. I still haven’t forgiven myself for giving him the pill that ultimately killed him. All I was trying to do was protect him and my family. Please don’t take this gamble.

Stop Bravecto
by: Anonymous

I just received the results of DNA test we had done at Wisdom Panel. Very eye-opening info. In particular, we learned about the MDR1 medication sensitivity. We have a 2-1/2 year old dog that I have been giving Bravecto for flea control every three months for a year and a half. Last time I gave it to her, she had a seizure within 24 hours. She recovered after a night in the pet hospital but after spending $1100 the doc did not know what caused her seizure. I read the Bravecto box today and saw a precaution for seizures. No more Bravecto for my dog, which is 29% Great Pyrenees, 22% Bluetick Coondog, and 17% Australian Shepherd, along with 8 other breeds in her DNA. Costs only $99 and it was totally worth it to learn about the MDR1 gene. Now to find a different flea treatment.

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