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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Is It Normal For A Female's Behavior To Change Before She Goes Into Heat?

by Kate

My little girl is about to hit her second actual cycle in the next two weeks or so. But her behavior has been completely different then how she normally acts. She does not respond to simple commands anymore that she used to know, like sit and stay. She now paces, pulls at her leash and basically ignores every command we give her. Is this normal, or what can cause this? I know she has food allergies and can not have grains our any type of bird and we finally found a food that she can eat. She had been on it for the last 6-8 weeks. Could that be part of the problem?

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by: jcrply

I can only tell you my own experience. My Aussie has had 4 heats and her behavior does not change.

by: gayle--big run aussies

YES. Their behavior does change. The perfect dog you know suddenly can become totally unresponsive. Their brains seem to disappear. What you are describing is very typical. Think of humans and PMS.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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