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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Is My New Aussie Crossed Or Under Weight?

by Shaunna
(BC, Canada)

I am new to the Aussie breed. I rescued this little guy and have named him Scooter. Because he is a rescue, I am unsure of his background. The vet said that he is an Australian Shepherd. I'm wondering if you Aussie experts think he is crossed with another breed? If so, what breed? I'm also wondering about his weight. He is 8 weeks old and only 3 lbs. The vet said that he is on the small side, likely because his mother was malnourished so he didn't get the proper nutrition from her. She seems to think that he should bounce back fine and end up between 25-40 lbs. What do you all think? Thanks for your help! I appreciate it :O)

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too cute
by: Anonymous

hard to say really, but he is adorable. He may be mixed, if so possibly with Chihuahua, but he could also be a toy or mini, in which case he will be small or tiny; either way, he is a cutie, and I would just concentrate on enjoying him.

by: Shaunna

Really? Chihuahua? He is a "reserve dog" from a place with population 200 people. There are only farms/ranches there. Wonder if they even have chihuahua's running around there. Apparently, the dogs roam free, reproduce, and most of the puppies don't even survive. I will absolutely enjoy my new little cutie pie either way :O)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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