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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Is This a Double Merle Australian Shepherd?

by Ashley

I found a puppy that I fell in love with and am supposed to pick up tomorrow. After doing some research, I’m concerned that it’s a double merle.

Please help.

Comments for Is This a Double Merle Australian Shepherd?

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Dbl merle
by: Anonymous

Ashley, just for the appearance he does look like a double merle. This does not mean he’s both blind and deaf. He may have limited vision, or maybe one or the other. Please contact speak St. Louis (they have a Facebook page and can be private messaged). Most of these puppies end up being discarded or euthanized because of breeder irresponsible breeding.

They are sweet dogs
by: Anonymous

If it is we have had two and have one currently and she is one of the SWEETEST dogs we’ve ever had! She has never been able to hear and her eyesight is not very good but she had lived a very happy life we have two little kids and she couldn’t be better with them!! She has always had another dog to roam our place with so she isn’t alone and I think that has helped her to not have to be in a cage! She is now 7!

Double merle
by: Anonymous

Yes, more than likely or looks to me that it is not a full-blooded Aussie.

This breeder needs to be reported, especially if it is selling it as a standard Aussie.

Double merle?
by: Anonymous

It looks like it could be a double merle. Too much white on the head can be a giveaway. Could be blind or deaf or both.

by: Anonymous

Yes it does, however, is it coming from a breeder or shelter? I didn’t see where you were getting him from... unfortunately doubles end up in the shelter A LOT. They are great, yes they can come with some issues, but if you are willing to learn with them, then they will be your best friend ever. I rescued an Aussie 13 years ago and don’t know where I’d be without her. I understand your worries, but if you have patience and understanding, you’ll be fine. :)

I have a similiar
by: Anonymous

First one to see that looks like mine. Mine too is heavy white on the head and upper body but she also has Husky in her too but does suffer from missing the mirrors in her pupils...

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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