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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Itching and Red Underbelly

by Rick
(St. Augustine, Fl.)

Our two year old is scratching and biting his belly and back legs. We bathe him with dog shampoo that is for skin problems. Are Aussies more subject to this?

Comments for Itching and Red Underbelly

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by: gale

Try some allergy pills. My Aussie kept rubbing her belly on the grass. Vet said she might have an allergy. I started giving her a pill at night. After about a week no more red on her tummy. Try some cream also.

itching and red underbelly
by: nan

What kind of pill and what kind of cream were you using. It really breaks my heart to see my dog scratching so much. Certain spots - he bites - mostly his legs. He gets them red. I have put neosporin on those spots. Any suggestions.

Note from Anton: More info on Dog Skin Problems Here.

Bella's Itching Problem
by: BellasMom

Our Australian Shepherd, now 5 years old starts scratching usually in the beginning of Spring or Fall and it lasts weeks. We have taken her to the vet and they only give antibotics and steroids and couldn't give us a diagonsis. Is this common in this breed? What can we do to give Bella relief? Tried a dozen expensive dog sprays, etc. I have heard allergy pill work? How should I dose her?
Thnx- Bella's Mom

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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