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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Itchy Aussie Along With Some Hair Loss

by Melissa

My 6 month old Aussie is perfectly healthy overall except for being itchy. I recently added fish oil to his diet and took away all dog food and am just feeding him rice and chicken. He appears to have rashy spots on his skin with some hair loss mostly on his neck and chest area. Does this sound like the food sensitivities everyone else is dealing with. He doesn't have any sores or seem bothered other then the itching or I'd rush him to the vet. Any other suggestions?

Thank you for any help you can give me and Eli.

Comments for Itchy Aussie Along With Some Hair Loss

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by: Jana

It could be a food allergy. Have you changed his food recently? I had a Pekingese (before I had Aussies) and she developed a food sensitivity to chicken/poultry. She lost alot of her coat and was itchy. Once we removed all chicken from her diet, her coat was glorious. It can be time consuming to check for food sensitivies, but it is worth it in the end. Good Luck!!!

Itchy aussie
by: Anonymous

Usually dogs with allergies will exhibit certain signs besides just the itching. Redness around the eyes and stinky or frequently infected ears. If you haven't done so, consult your vet before you take any action. Sometimes a skin scraping can reveal an underlying problem even without much hair loss.

Another possibility might be a flea allergy. If you're not using a good flea-control strategy, I'd begin to do so. (Even one bite on a dog who is being protected from flea bites can set up a flea-bite dermatitis.

Finally, some dogs simply have either very dry, itchy skin naturally or even oily, rash-prone skin. My shop uses both Kenic Oatmeal shampoo and Groomer's Edge Oatmella. (I prefer the Oatmella, personally.) Both are good products without a lot of additives and do an amazing job of clearing up and moisturizing that itchy dry skin. For an oily dermatitis, try Groomer's Edge Furstaid (the spelling is correct). I've seen Furstaid work miracles. With both products, work the shampoo all the way down to the skin and then let the pupper sit soaking in it for at least 10 minutes.

Let us know if it helps.

Boarding, Grooming, Gift Shoppe & Pet Boutique
North Huntingdon, PA

by: Anonymous

Take him off the chicken, give him a good organic/holistic fish dog food,with NO GRAINS! many are allergic to poultry. and depending where you live, if you live in a hot climate, the beef, especiall duck can produce too much heat in them. the best bet is fish.
hope tis helps. best to yoou and your pup.

Thank you
by: Melissa Johnson

Thank you all for your help we had a vet visit and the vet is pretty sure it's a food allergies based on his rash and synptoms. He received a steroid shot allergy pills and antibiotics. And to be put on hypoallergenic food. I'm hoping he can finally get some relief now.

Hair loss
by: Anonymous

Do not feed him chicken. He probably has food allergies as mine does. Fish is the best. I buy mine at pet smart. I forget the name, but it is Ocean something.EITH

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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