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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Itchy Aussie Rescue Puppy

by Joyce
(Parkville, Md)

Why does my 4 month old puppy keep itching and biting at one spot on his back quarter? We have tried using a shampoo and conditioner for puppies and dry skin. It's basically one spot he keeps biting at.

Any suggestions on how to help him stop this annoying problem?

Comments for Itchy Aussie Rescue Puppy

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Itching puppy
by: Anonymous

Both my Aussies were itchy like that, and I discovered they were allergic to chicken. It could be a food allergy your pup has. When I switched their food to lamb or pork based the itching stopped. Some dogs are allergic to flea bites. It may take some experimenting to solve the problem but in the meantime too many baths will dry out the skin too much.

Itchy Aussie
by: Sur

My female was also itchy as a puppy, she doesn't do well with chicken either, she also gets very itchy in the spring, certain pollens make her itch like crazy, especially when the oak pollen count is high. Fleas can do it too especially if they're allergic to flea saliva but don't use the flea pills, Trifexis, Bravecto, etc have caused seizures, illness and death in many dogs, some right away but some took months. I have never used anything on her, I use Fleabusters powder in my house and has worked for 22 years now. If I had to use something other then a natural product I would use Activyl, it seems to be safer and friends who use it say they never have to use more then 2-3 times a year, it's a topical. I would try eliminating chicken from her diet first, will take 6-8 weeks to know for sure, and see if that helps.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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