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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Itchy Aussie!

by Lauren
(Bowmanville, ON)

I have a female Mini Aussie who is just over a year old. She has always been an itchy dog, but it has been getting worse lately. It seems like she is scratching all the time, and actually has scabs from it. I tried changing her food and putting fish oils on it, but didn't seem to help. I took her to the vet a couple weeks ago and he said she probably just has allergies, and put her on a steroid/cortizone pill. It helped for a little bit, but now that she's finished them she's back to itching lots. I feel bad for her because it's obviously irritating her very much. I've heard that switching to a raw diet would help - but the vet told me it's not a food allergy. What else can I do for her?

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Itchy Aussie
by: Nonnie

Our teacup poodle chews on her feet. Our vet said it was probably allergies to the grass. We wipe her feet off when she comes in now. He also suggested that we give her Children's Benadryl. He calculated the amount of Benadryl based on her size. You might check with your vet to see if this might be a possible solution. It has helped with our poodle.

by: Anonymous

We have a border collie/aussie his name is Reggie and he is 3 years old we recently have moved and ever since he has been scratching his belly and his side so bad he also had scabs. We feel just awful for him and I don't know why he is itching so much. We haven't changed he diet or anything. He also has been licking his paws so much they are very pink looking. Sigh... Sometimes its overwhelming and we don't know what to do, except for take him to the vet and hopefully they will do the right thing for him.

This Stopped Itchy for us
by: Callie

We have a 2 yr old that has been very itchy since she was a pup. Pills and various shampoos from vet didn't help. Then about 6 mths ago she had some stomach problems and vet put her on Royal Canine RX for sensitive stomachs, within 2 days she stopped itching. Once I finished that bag of food we went back to her old food, Purina One Lamb & Rice, the itching came back. Then tried Nature's Recipe that was chicken without corn or wheat, no help. So I went back to vet and got another bag of the RX food, the itching stopped again. Couldn't afford to stay on the RX food so tried several other expensive foods from the pet store with no luck. Then one day I was at the grocery store and they had Beyond One Lamb and Barley on sale so I picked up a bag. This food also has sweet potatoes, blueberries and spinach in it. Not sure why but she has been on it for over a month and so far so good, no itching at all.

So I if you haven't tried different foods I would try that but don't stop at just one. What works for one dog may not work for another. Good Luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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