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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Jacey and Cayden

by Colin Starr
(Austin, Texas)



My son has a year old Black Tri Australian Shepherd. Her best friend, Mija, a 6 lb Chihuahua recently passed away. Jacey has been so lonesome. About 5 months after her passing I got a Mini Black Tri Australian Shepherd puppy. Jacey thinks it's her personal toy that does not need winding... hahaha. The two dogs hit it off from the first moment they saw each other. They run and play all day. When they crash... they really crash. One night Jacey was sleeping in her favorite position. (Upside down on the couch) Cayden wanted up to snuggle with Jacey so, I picked him up and put him on the couch. I turned around and this is what I saw. Cayden had crawled up on top of Jacey and assumed "the favorite sleeping position... right up on top of Jacey... it was so cute.

We love our dogs. They make every day an adventure.

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Still best buds
by: Colin Starr

Cayden and Jacey continue to be best buddies. They run and play and fight for toys everyday. I know Jacey misses Mija... but I'm so glad she loves little Cayden too. Jacey is an awesome dog. She's so laid back and sweet.

too cute
by: Anonymous

oh my gosh, they are too cute. That is so awesome that they are best buds. I have an old girl 14, reriever mix, and a 2 and a half chichuhua; we lost our boy Luke , who was an Australian Sheperd to epilepsy at age 5, so a few months later, we got Cooper, a toy Aussie. We thought, it would be good for the Chi who seemd sad, and bored,but to our dismay, the Chi doesn't seem to like the Aussie. They are both males, and the chi is very territorial, dominant. Cooper, just wants to play for the most part, but the two are constantly competing wth each other for EVERYTHING!
I love the way they sleep, our Cooper does the same thing, as did Luke, most be a breed thing.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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