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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Jax the Double Merle Australian Shepherd Stray Dog!

by Melissa Wilkins
(Mooresville, NC, USA)

Our Australian Shepherd showed up on our doorstep a couple weeks ago! After 2 weeks and no owner claiming him, we officially adopted him! He is very special because he is a Double Merle with Iris Coloboma and deafness due to being a Double Merle :( My Son has people Coloboma! 1 in 10,000 people are born with Coloboma, so we took this as a sign from God that this Dog was meant to be with our family!

We are in the process of learning how to train a dog that is deaf, but we will learn as we go along! My theory is someone in my area was breeding Australian Shepherds and ended up with our Jax and couldn't sell him because of his disabilities. We put up "Found Dog" posters everywhere and no one claimed him! It's a good thing though because we love having him and plan on having him for years to come!

Training Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Jax the Double Merle Australian Shepherd Stray Dog!

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We love our double merle!
by: Tobin

We have a double Merle too, even though it was totally by accident. He is the sweetest dog in the world, even if he is a massive bed hog. He is my big deaf baby and I love him so much!

by: Millie

That was so an act of God. He sees and He provides. My dogs ALWAYS find me, and they always are handicapped. My aiussie, now, was given up ro rhe pound, I loce him soo much. He cost me alot in med bills, but he is worth it? You are wonderful, all of you who take these precious gifts. Yes, God had his hand in on this....he will bless you, big time.

great choice
by: Leah

I have a dog like yours. She is deaf and has vision limitations. Rosey loves being touched and is a great friend of my other dog Buddy. She depends on him to keep up with what she may miss not being able to hear. Rosey also loves the dog park and plays well with the other dogs but loves to be pet by all of the humans. You may want to try flashing lights to mean to find you. I started that for getting her back at night in the yard and found that it worked in the house too. She is a real australian shepherd she sleeps in a way that you have to wake her to leave the room. She always wants to know where her flock (human or dog) is. Enjoy Jax

by: Katie

I recently adopted my aussie Captain, he looks just like Jax and is deaf as well. We rescued him from being put down because his owner couldn't sell him because of his disability.
i would be happy to attach a picture if i could just figure out how. It's crazy how much they look alike


Please keep us posted on Jax!

Thank you all!!
by: Melissa Wilkins

Wow...was just browsing & remembered that I posted this story with Jax's picture! Thank you all for your kind words, it truly made my day & made me cry! I knew that God had a plan for him when he was born because he is so special, but reading all your kind words has really reassured me of it! Jax is doing awesome & is just a happy go lucky dog! We are doing pretty good on the hand signals & I just got a laser light to help get his attention while we are outside.Thank you really don't know how happy I am to hear your comments!!!


Wow!! The Lord does work in this way, huh? Had to be of God. He blessed you ALL. No doubt it was meant to be. God bless you!

Have my second aussie and both are rescues. Love the breed.

by: Doris G

Wow, what a sweet face. It sounds like you needed Jax, and Jax needed you. Glad you found each other. He looks like a great dog. It is very nice to know there are people like you out there to help out the Jaxes of the world. I'm sure he gives you as much joy as you give him!

by: becki

Great story-special place in heaven waiting for folks like you. Thank you!

Wonderful Story
by: ProudArmyWife

Thank you for sharing your story. He is a beautiful boy!!! I think God had a very special plan for him since birth, as he found his perfect family...

by: Suzy

What a beautiful story, what a lucky dog!

Double Merle
by: Anonymous

It amazes me that someone can do that. It happens all the time to all breeds - people abandon dogs all the time. My brother found a stray on his porch, took it in his home, bath it, took it to the vet to have teeth extracted, to the groomers for a hair cut and then found a home for it. It was abandoned because it was old and not very healthy.

Jax the double merle
by: Anne

Wow, what a great story. Jax could not have found a more perfect home.
There are hand signals you can teach him. I rescued a deaf dog, double merle once and he also learned with food and hand signals. Our older female 13, knew some hand signals when she could hear and can follow hand signals now that she is 90% deaf. Interesting story about her if you would like to hear it.
I can give you a lot more information about training Jax. Just e-mail me at

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

What a lovely story
by: Kathy

With such a happy ending! You and your beautiful Jax were lucky to find each other, and it does sound like it was meant to be.

Thanks for sharing.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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