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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Jumping During Play

by Pat

Our dog loves to fetch so we play with a ball often. Will it hurt her to jump high? Often, she will jump so high I worry that she will hurt her hips. She has not slowed down since being a puppy; now she's 7 years old. She is always playing at full speed!

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by: Anonymous

My dog jumps very high too. I have been told that it wont hurt them. It scares me sometimes because they are your babies and you don't want them to hurt themselves. My vet, who is a good friend, always sees my dog jump, and she is not concerned. Hope it helps.

My Jumping KEIRA
by: Anastasia Collett

Aussies are strong dogs. My Aussie jumps high in the air whenever I throw the ball for her. Sometimes I worry because she sometimes falls on the ground and it looks like she has injured herself, but when she gets up and starts getting over-excited because she wants to play, She hasn't hurt herself at all!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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