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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Jumping Up And Nipping At Arms

I have a 4 year old Aussie who gets excited when he meets some one on a hike or that comes in the house, he wiggles his butt and looks real happy but then he jumps up a little (not on them) and tries to nip their arm. Usually only men. He has met many people at his agility, rally and obedience classes and does not do it there.

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jumping up
by: jcrply

I don't have the nipping problem, but I can relate to the jumping up only in certain situations. My girl was good in her classes, at training on our own, strangers on walks, etc... But there are certain neighbors and some people who come to the door that she seems to forget her manners with. I have decided that it's kind of like when the whole family gets together for the holidays and the siblings seem to regress to their childhoods and the dynamics between them are just like they were when they were little kids :-) In other words, I think our dogs may be acting like puppies with these particular people and locations. I have to be extra vigilant and demanding when around those few people on the street and especially when one of them comes to the door. So, I don't really have any advice for you, except maybe to treat her like she's just a little puppy learning her manners when in those situations. Good luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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