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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

K9 Advantix

Can I use K9 Advantix on my Australian Shepherd?

Comments for K9 Advantix

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K9 Advantix
by: Anonymous

That is a great question, I would like to hear the answers as well. My vet says yes, but my breeders vet said no.

why take the chance
by: Anonymous

when centinel and interceptor are mdr safe why take the chance. do some research.

Aussies and Advantix
by: Anonymous

Well, we have a resident elk herd who frequently our property about every other day. they have a lot of ticks. Our Aussie is tri color with a lot of black. I will use the Advantix on her during the tick season and Frontline Plus the other months. That is why you would use it, for the tick repellant and also mosquito repellant.

Advantage II safe or not
by: AussieFeathertail

I loved Advantage II for all my dogs as it was great not just for Fleas/Ticks but definitely stopped other biting insects.
But NOW I have a 10 month Aussie; it's time to treat him for Fleas/Ticks & other disease vectors e.g. Mosquitos, Chiggers, biting Flies. Of course, we put him on Hearthworm protection immediately but he had full-blown seizures and the usual Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration after the Vet gave us a med that's new to me called "NexGard". After 5 days of IVs & $3000 in Vet bills, I made certain we never gave any med with Ivermectin again. Gave him "Sentinel" which was FINE no problems. However, it's time to give him Flea/Tick/Biting insect meds & we're worried about giving him BOTH: Sentinel & Advantage II as they both have anti- FleasTick components but only the AdvantageII kills the "BITING INSECTS" that plague this dog. Anyone have a suggestion for med for Heartworm concurrently with AdvantageII? This stuff really works but I don't want to overdose with 2 meds but only 1 REPELS BITING INSECTS? In a quandry.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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