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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Kai's Christmas 09 Letter...

by Carey Mitchell
(Pittsburgh, PA)

kai's christmas pic 2009

kai's christmas pic 2009

our dog wrote this leter to her ma and pa and kennel mates at Taylormade Aussies of Linesville PA:

well this is my christmas picture. as you can see i am well fed and very fluffy, indeed food continues to be a great goal of mine. i have been chastised for stealing food from the counter but hey -- cheese is cheese, eh? once I stole an apple from the counter and they finally relented and now they give me one of my own each morning with my eukanuba food. they tell me i am a Very Good Dog and one of my favorite places to be is lying on my owners' feet so i can tell when they are ready to go some where interesting.

this past summer we spent a lot of time on the sailboat where i had my own little room and got to watch a lot of fish. i also run to the front of the boat to greet people walking down the dock. i took a flying leap off the dock one day , out of pure curiosity, and much to my surprise water is cold and wet. so i swam to shore. then they towel dried me off (O i do love to be towel dried off.)

i have the people trained so that when i need to go out i go BARK BARK ?? they say do you need to go out and i say BARK BARK BARK. (you think they'd get the message the 1st time.)

they took me to Rally Obedience school where i got to do mazes and stuff with a lot of other dogs that was quite fun. I passed my Canine Good Citizen Exam and next is my Therapy dog exam. i already have a very cool Therapy Dog vest in which i will carry all my favorite toys to share with sick little kids etc in my work.

i have discovered Gravity and one of my favorite games is to throw my ball down 2 flights of steps and chase it to the bottom where it always ends up. i continue to be a fine guard dog though my owners sometimes don't pay me proper attention owed to a dog of my obvious beauty and intelligence... my proudest accomplishment was waking them up at 4 am when a Ground Hog came in to the back yard to eat their lilies. they told me BE QUIET. well guess what the next am they said-- o no Kai was right. look what ate our lilies !!! -- ( I guess they'll listen better in 2010. )

A merry christmas to you, dogs and human friends.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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