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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Kasper The Deaf Aussie!

by Kelsey
(Cleveland, TN)

This is Kasper, he is a five month old double merle Australian Shepard.

When we got Kasper, at six weeks old, he was so scared and timid. He warmed up quickly, and now he kind of works like velcro. (Literally, can't take a step without him.)

The breeder we went through did not tell us about Kaspers disability. - Which I am thankful for now, because had we known we probably wouldn't have gotten him and he has turned out to be the light of our lives.

He is full of energy, runs, plays, knows several hand signals and catches on really quickly to new signs and scenarios. We realized Kasper was deaf within 24 hours of having him home and obviously the only logical thing to do was... get another one... duh! A hearing buddy! And it was really the best thing we could have done for him, I believe. Him and Kodiak are inseparable and he follows Kodiak around like he's lost. Which helps him out a lot with being able to run around off leash.

I would recommend to anyone, GET A DEAF dog. Kasper has taught me so much in the short time he has been with us. It gives you a whole new level of patience, as well as love. We are actually considering getting another deaf dog to add to our family!

Comments for Kasper The Deaf Aussie!

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We also have a deaf aussie
by: Anonymous

Her name is Snowball. She is four months old. She's very funny and loves to play. We have 3 other dogs all aussies. She has not started her training yet. I'm hoping she will also do well with hand signals. I was very pleased to read your article. Thank you.

Jan -
by: Kelsey

Right, which I am fully aware of, now. This was my first Aussie, and he was the first breeder that I found. So, yeah maybe I should have looked around a bit more before just jumping on it, but I'm glad that I didn't. I'm glad that we got Kasper, I can't imagine life without him. Until we got him I had never even heard of a double merle and since then, have done all in my power to educate other dog owners about it and the dangers it causes.

Double merles
by: Jan

We have adopted 4 Aussies... all rescues. A respectable breeder would NEVER breed double merles.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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