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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Keeping My Aussie Busy

by Kathy
(Langley, BC, Canada)



Hello everyone:

We have a 9 year old female Aussie, who is a puppy mill rescue. Because of this she never learned how to play, ie retrieving etc, and is quite excitable when it comes to training. However she is very very smart, is always trying to out think us, and usually succeeds! Can anyone recommend activities to keep her busy - for example we make her search for her kibbles at mealtime, which she just loves.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as a busy Aussie is a happy Aussie!

Kathy (and Kylie the Aussie)

Comments for Keeping My Aussie Busy

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

My girls like food oriented toys like the Buster Cube, puzzle games, kongs stuffed with peanut butter. Another great game is "101 things to do with a box" if she is clicker trained. The idea is to mark behaviors. Sometimes they will have one foot in the box and I will click and give a treat. Sometimes she turns her head a certain way and I will click. Keeps them busy with their brains. You can so an internet search on games to play. is a wonderful source for busy dogs.

by: Debbie

We had a lab that never played until we got our aussie...the lab saw the aussie playing and now the lab plays a little...not much but a little. maybe you should try getting another dog or socializing your aussie more with other dogs so she can see how they play.

by: Kathy

Thanks for the suggestions! We actually have 2 other dogs, so Kylie has no shortage of playmates. She does play a bit with one of them. The 'games' website looks like lots of fun - I'll be checking that one out.


stay busy
by: sue

We bring home our first Aussie in 2 weeks. We bought an ifetch and can't wait to show her how to use it. Check it out at I think it will keep us all entertained.

by: Anonymous

We have taught our rescue Aussie (also never learned how to play) some brain games to keep her busy during the day! One that we really like is the muffin tin game- place a treat in each muffin cup and cover them up with tennis balls. She has to work to figure out how to get to the treats! We also have taught our Aussie "over-under" tricks, where she goes over and under chairs, ladders, step stools, etc. If your Aussie loves to learn, this will be a great mental workout for her!

Great idea!
by: Kathy

Love the idea about the muffin pan - our Aussie is now about 13 and not nearly as active as she was. But she will probably still go for this game, as she is very food driven.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Feeding time
by: Linda

My aussie loves to eat out of a cupcake tin. I put the food in the tin and place tennis balls on top of each one. She does the rest.

frozen peanut butter
by: Anonymous

My 2 year old aussie loves peanut butter. if you mix it with dog food and then fill a kong toy with it you can freeze it and it will keep them busy for hours while they try to lick it all out. Great for keeping them busy and nondestructive while you're gone.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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