by Lisa G
(Western NC)
My Aussie is 8 months old and I could really use some (lots) of advice on keeping her occupied. 😧 She and I spend at least an hour a day at the park, where she vigorously retrieves chuck-it balls. We take walks too. But...she wants my attention 24/7 😩 And as of right now I have a tunnel that's halfway to China, in my front yard. (She's been a busy digger.😱)
I've bought numerous puzzle toys, treat dispensers, etc. You know the ones that say "keeps your dog occupied for hours" try 2 minutes, tops. They need a disclaimer on the box that EXCLUDES Aussies! So how do I keep her entertained? Oh, and right now she's outside robustly barking at phantom intruders. 🙉
I'm a single Aussie mom, so there's no one around to "share the load." It's Nov. and training classes (agility etc.) aren't available. I've been reading everyone's posts and I'm 90% sure that she needs a little brother. I'm in a little town in Western NC where "pit" bulls are the norm, and Aussies are hard to come by. Yes, I've checked Aussie rescues in 3 bordering states, nada. 👎
As far as her energy level, the closest I can come to at nearby shelters is a wiry terrier mix. I have the fenced in yard, doggy door etc. I'm just worried how she'll react to a newcomer (she loves other dogs and shares her toys) but she's VERY sensitive. 😳 Who'd a thought that? 😜
and thanks 😊
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