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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Kodi (Kodiak)

by Harley
(Indpls, In)

Sorry About the Chest Hair, Focus on Kodi

Sorry About the Chest Hair, Focus on Kodi

My Aussie is Kodiak -- Kodi for short. we named him this because he has the little nub-tail. When we brought him home at 6 weeks he was so pudgy because the farmer we got him from was feeding him and his littermates Puppy Chow and milk -- yowsa! fatty central - -but good. Anywho, he was so pudgy with his little nub tail he looked like a bear cub. So thats why we call him Kodi.

He is soooo smart already! I've always wanted an Aussie, Kodi is my first -- and I am impressed. The first night we had him we were'nt really ready for a pup so we had to pin/crate, so he slept with us in the bed. No accidents! Seems whenever we take him outside to do his thing he goes right as soon as we set him down -- smart!

I love his little fuzzy butt. we've had him 3 days now. Working on all sorts of training, but it'll take time. He is going to be a good, beautiful dog. Im going to train him right -- no table scraps, biting, peeing in the house, crate, sep. anxiety -- hope we get it all worked out. :)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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