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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

La La La Lola

by Kacie
(Parker, Colorado)

Trevor (6 years) and Lola (6 months)

Trevor (6 years) and Lola (6 months)

I've always had dogs growing up, but they were never really my dogs as much as they were the whole family's. One summer, my Mom and her husband split up, and he had taken our German Shepherd/Chow and our German Shepherd/Bloodhound with him. We were super bummed, but we then found a dog on Craigslist whose owner had died. And that's how we got our awesome Bloodhound/Beagle mix Trevor!

It was nice to have a dog again, but we were always so used to having two! I kept begging and begging my Mom until she finally agreed that I could choose my dog if I paid for it, took care of it, etc..

I had found a Corgi mix who was five years old, her owners had gotten a new puppy and decided they liked it better. I felt bad, and decided to take Hannah home. Within a day she was causing problems already, constantly peeing on the floor, barking at absolutely everyone but me.

I didn't have much of a choice but to return her to her owners. It was a Friday that I took Hannah back. That Saturday, I was already on the hunt for another puppy. I saw an ad on CL for Aussie puppies for sale and I immediately contacted them. The next day, I was meeting a man and his wife and a litter of four little pups. They seemed almost too young to take home. (As the man said, "They're right off the tit.")

Going in wanting to get a boy, I was a little sad when there was only one, and he wasn't the cutest of the bunch. But then I saw this red merle one with one blue eye and I was in love. She looked like a little hamster! We got in the car and she slept the whole way home. I knew I wanted to name her Lola.

Since that day, I can't imagine my life without my little puppy Lola. She potty trained herself, with the exception of a few accidents. At 8 weeks she could sit, shake, other paw, lay down. I was amazed! After owning dopey large breeds my whole life, I was in awe of how this tiny baby could be so intelligent!

At first, Trevor wanted nothing to do with the little poof ball running around. But as she grew up a little, I think she started to bring the puppy out of 6 year old Trevor. I couldn't be any happier!

Lola is seven months old today and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! She motivated me to get my first job so I could pay for all of her shots, spaying, food, toys, everything! I have no proof that she is purebred, I can only assume because of all of her markings and what the people had said. One day when she was probably 3 months old, I called her name and she put her ears up like she heard something, and she still hasn't put them down! I'm wondering if they'll ever flop back down.

If you read this whole story I want to thank you, because I know it is long! Lola is my sunshine, and I'm sure there will be many more stories to come about my little baby as she grows some more :) she's definitely full of life, and brings it out in me. It's like she has this look in her eyes like she understands everything I say to her.

Comments for La La La Lola

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Congrats on you new puppy, Lola. My 1st Aussie was actually an Aussie/Lab mix and everyone thought he was a border collie because he had a tail. He had all the Aussie traits including a lot of herding instinct and he was as smart as a whip. Lola's ears won't go down at this point because she is done teething, but it probably adds to her delightful personality. What a beautiful girl!

by: Millie

So good to read your happy story. I, too, have had several dogs in my life time, but this is my second aussie, red merle, and they (aussies) are a breed of their own, They are more human than people and sooo smart. Yes, they know what you are saying. I got mine as a rescue 2 1/2 yrs ago. Lost my first one to cancer and I wanted to die. He was closer than family. Sparky was a tri. Merlin is a red merle with 1/2 blue in one eye. Too smart as he knows everything way ahead of me and puts pressure on me always to do what I am thinking of doing, don't understand it! High maintenance, but just love him. Love all dogs but the aussies are just special. Thanks for sharing!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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