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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Leg Injury

My 4 year old has exhibited a slight limp for the past few weeks. It comes and goes depending on what type, and how much, exercise she engages in. Is this common or could it be a more serious injury?

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Leg Injury
by: Heidi


I would definitely get it looked at! Our 3 year old had a reoccurring injury to right front leg. She then developed other back arched, lethargy, sleeping all of the was Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia! Her body stopped making platelets and almost died. Not too uncommon in Aussies. I know this is rare but I would get it checked!

by: Anonymous

My male aussie started this when he was about 4. After several trips and calls it was decided he had R arthritis. With medication he lived a long fairly active life. Rainy and winter weather were hard. Good luck. Maybe he has just a pulled muscle but I would get it checked...Becky T

Rear hind stifle
by: Anonymous

Our Aussie injured his leg after I took him onto astroturf to play frisbee (Never do that!) I cd see how he landed as well as how he twisted his body to catch the frisbee that night. Right after the third try, he took the frisbee in his mouth & proceeded to walk out of the tract 'turf' straight to the car, telling me he was done! Since that moment, it's been on and off. We first took him to our local vet which vet said he couldn't tell which leg he was limping on, after a several minutes romp around his parking lot. That was last end February incident. He was still jumping on and off our beds, etc. but suddenly had trouble going down and up the stairs going from our second floor terrace down to the backyard, where we wd still play a short version of frisbee. He can't stay too much away from his frisbee playing. Anyway, here we are November, & another vet did x-rays which show no broken bones but most important is for him to first lose some weight, as he is somewhat overweight, but all muscle. So he has lost some weight meanwhile. Second vet said for addl $ wd I want a Specialist's opinion from the xrays & was told Specialist wants surgery on BOTH legs. Why if nothing is broken? I believe this has to do with possibly his stifle kneecap being slightly misaligned with rest of the joint as a result of the "Jump" so am hypothesizing his synovial fluid needs proper attention, i.e. nourishment, massage & rest; but wd love some kind of strong wrap around the stifle to help it heal itself. I read next step wd be some kind of ultrasound to see more, like ligaments. What else can be seen? I feel like an income source for these vets! Wd like to feel like there's a vet who knows his business & can make a proper recommendation. We live in NYC, btw. Thanks.

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