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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Limping, Undiagnosible With Full Set Of X-Rays

by Cherie Morgan
(Ventura, CA, USA)

The only avenue unsearched in this entire 4-week painful episode is the possibility of a reaction to K9 Advantix. The time period seems about right. Madison began limping on her front, left leg about 4 weeks ago. I diligently examined her paws, nails and between toes. I watched her eyes to see any reaction. At first it seemed there was a reaction to some pressure between middle toes. But some time later, we seemed to see the same reaction on her right paw where she was not limping.

The vet checked all her joints manually without any definitive signs. She suggested antihistamine and soaking in epsom salt daily for a few days since I thought I saw some signs of such in her foot. There was no evidence of this helping.

I went ahead with her other recommendation of full x-rays, double of both of her feet, full x-rays of both of her legs, including elbows and shoulders. There was not even any sign of beginnings of arthritis for her 7-years of age. Everything looked perfect.

So, I have looked back on my calendar, and I have come to the flea treatment, K9 Advantix. Has anyone had anything like this? The limping is not going away 4 weeks later and is only slightly diminished with twice daily doses of Rymadyl.

Comments for Limping, Undiagnosible With Full Set Of X-Rays

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by: Anonymous

it is possible she might have a lil muscle sprain or strain. did u have ur vet run a cat scan to see if it is neurological?

by: Anonymous

Aussie are known to be sensative to alot of thing(meds and vacinations in particular), but its also possible that they(or yours) could have had a reaction to the K9 Advantix, I wouldn't rule it out. If you could detox him, that might help. Go to a health food store and get a detox, if you dont have a holistic vet near you. hope he'll be ok.

Australian shepherd limping
by: Kathy

My 10 year old Australian Shepherd is limping now for 3 weeks. Vet gave her a cortisone shot and full xrays. They can't find anything wrong. She can't walk anymore because of her left paw. Did you find any help with your dog? I am in desperate need of advice. It is so sad to see her not able to walk without limping!

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