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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Little Zoey

by Lily

Zoey is my Mini Aussie, she is so full of spunk and love. She always walks right at my feet (or between them) to make sure that I am walking in the corrected, "Zoey-approved direction." She hangs on for dear life to her brother Tucker (my older Lab mix) to his ear when they're zooming through the house at top speed. Strangest thing, she doesn't nip at heels, she jumps up to nip at ears... guess she likes to show that even though she's small... she'll get ya!

I rescued her from a college student who thought that she got her "one-time flea and heartworm shot" when she got her puppy shots...
She wasn't planned. I didn't want another puppy, but our instant bond couldn't be ignored. Plus how could I let that ding-dong find her a good home when he didn't know the first thing about caring for a dog!

Her name was Aurora and while it's a beautiful name, try yelling that out a few times and imagine how you're going to sound yelling for your dog at the park. Aurawaararwara. People would think you're trying to roar! So she became Zoey, the little zinger she is.

Potty training has been much harder with her than with my Lab mix. Although I know it's not for a lack of brain cells because the first time at an agility course she immediately followed my lead and impressed everyone there! No one believed she'd never done it before!

Zoey is my little princess, and boy does she use it against me!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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