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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Looking Into Buying a Miniature Australian Shepherd, But...

by Kaia

There is a 7-month-old Miniature Australian Shepherd that was pretty much neglected, it was owned by seniors most of its puppyhood, that I am looking into getting that I just met.

My first impression of the dog is that he was afraid of hats and he didn’t love men. He would also tend to bark a lot, whether it be at strangers or other dogs. He is also pretty nippy, although he is teething.

Is this normal behaviour for a Mini Aussie? And is it easily fixable, of will this dog be a nuisance?


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by: Anonymous

hey when I first got my Aussie/Husky mix at 11 weeks old she was very nippy, and was unsure of colored ppl usually barked a lot, also freaks out whenever she sees another dog while on the leash, but with time patience and training it all can be fixed. If that pup has been abused in any way it needs to be removed from that household, most ppl don't understand being abusive to a pup just causes them to be more rebellious, all you need is patience and that pup will be the best thing in your life.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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