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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Love my Aussie's

by Pam Flynn
(Hanover, Pa. USA)

We were first introduced to the Aussie breed in 2007 when friends of ours started to breed them. The more I was around these amazing animals the more I fell in love with them. We told our friends that when they had the next litter that we would like a puppy. They day came when they were born and we got to pick out our puppy. Sophie Raye is a red tri with freckles on her nose. She was the best puppy I ever had, very smart and very devoted to me. We then decided that we wanted a second Aussie so we told our friends we wanted a blue merle didn't matter the sex just a dark merle. The day came when the puppies were to be born and Stormie popped out puppy after puppy and no blue merle then finally in the middle of the night we got a call "we have your puppy". My husband ran over to see her and she was just what we wanted. Her name is Harlee Daye and she ended up with one blue eye and one brown eye just like her daddy. We recently moved out of state so we don't get to see the family any more but stay in contact and continually check their website. We are thinking of adding a third Aussie to our family. They are the best dogs I have ever owned and I will never have another breed other than an Aussie.

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Aussie lover too
by: Charles

Look at those smiles!

I'm with you. We will never have a breed other than Aussies. We are looking to provide a daytime companion for our Dundee and once the Christmas season is past, will be on the serious hunt for a female puppy. It's exciting to think about having another Aussie in the house.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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I want my dog to stop being aggressive.

I want some help training my new puppy.

I want my dog to stop barking at everything.

I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash.

I want my dog to listen and come every time I call!


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