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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Lunging at Small Children

by Jean
(Dover Plains, NY)



I have a 5 year old male Aussie (Tucker) who is great with older children (6 and up) but is very uncomfortable around toddlers. It was never an issue in the past because I did not have any friends or family with toddlers.

My brother is adopting two foster children ages 3 and 4. At Thanksgiving, Tucker lunged at the boy and nipped at his clothes for no reason... the boy was just standing there.

Could it be that Tucker is threatened by the eye contact because they are at the same eye level? I hate having to lock him in my room every time my brother comes over but I don't know what else to do.

Any suggestions on how to fix this or why he is doing it would be greatly appreciated.

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Ludgin at small kids
by: Linn

We have two aussies females one is 3 years and the other is 2 years. We dont have young grandkids either but older ones they are okay around. We do however have a 3 year old neighbor and they seem to bark at her alot I would be afraid to let our dogs near her. I have seen the oldest one try and go after a small child. I dont think they would be mean. I just think they are intimated perhaps because they are closer to their size maybe.. just saying.

Be careful
by: Marg

My now 8-year-old Aussie used to be uncomfortable around my young grandchildren and lunged at them a couple of times. I was always incredibly careful to always be in the room with her and the children. She is now completely comfortable with the 3 and 5-yr-old and even the 1 year-old as she has got to know them. However, I never let other very young children pet her in case they move in a way she doesn't understand and she jumps up. My advice is to keep your Aussies away from the kids as I think they see them as herding opportunities!
Better to be safe!

Try treats
by: Anonymous

Our 3 year old Aussie is also hesitant around children. She is uncomfortable with all sudden movement and high pitched sounds. We have tried having kids and strangers give her treats. She is less hesitant and a little more curious when people greet her with a treat, but she doesn't trust them. Keep them on a short lead and give the correction when needed.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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