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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Madelyn Snow - Don't Discard the White Aussies!

by MJ Willow
(Cowtown, Ohio)

Madelyn went to a festival with us and braved the rainshowers without a concern

Madelyn went to a festival with us and braved the rainshowers without a concern

I adopted Madelyn Snow in June (2014). She's around 2 years old. I'd had an Aussie and a mixed Aussie before that and find them to be the breed for me. I love the intelligence and companionship.

Madelyn came to me via a rescue called Speak for the Unspoken. She was born deaf because she is the result of a double merle breeding. This is not a hindrance to her. She doesn't know about hearing. She responds to hand signals and knows her basics.

The neighbors don't realize she's deaf because she barks and plays in the yard like other dogs. Since we've only been together a little over a month, I still keep her on leash in open areas, but my goal is to get her off it so she can play better with the dogs in the park.

If you enjoy Aussies, consider a deaf one. Their natural tendency to keep an eye on you doesn't make them difficult to train, especially if you've taught one to respond to hand signals before.

Comments for Madelyn Snow - Don't Discard the White Aussies!

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Madelyn Snow
by: Anonymous

How touching! Blessings to you and Madelyn Snow!

by: Anonymous

Very well said! My blue merle, Josie, got bred accidentally by a red Queensland who jumped the fence into our yard. As a result, we had one white pup that was deaf. We named her Daffodil, and our good friends adopted her. They have had her for 12 years (Josie, btw is going on 17!!) and she has been exactly what you describe ... easy and very devoted. Thank you for this article!!

Hello: Here's an Update
by: MJ

Last week Madelyn and I started an obedience class for deaf dogs. She already knows a few of the basics like sit and down, so this is to expand her abilities and teach me the best ways to communicate with her. A goal is to get her to walk better on a leash. While the other dogs were learning "sit", she jumped up on a folding chair and did her version of "sit." I may have a class clown on my hands.

She's a beauty
by: Melissa

She is a gorgeous aussie! Who would not want her to love you?


Don't Punish the Dog
by: Kelly

A happy ending for the Madelyn and her human.

I would consider adopting a blind or deaf dog. Some dogs are born less fortunate, just like some people, it doesn't make them disposable. A dog should not be punished for poor breeding practices or accidents, they just need to find the right people.

Deaf aussie
by: Bea

Thank you!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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