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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Merle Or Not?

by L.B.

My 10 month old male Aussie appears to be a "black tri-color" but when he was 6 months old he had grey hair spread (rather sparcely) through his black coat, the grey no longer shows. For breeding purposes would he be considered a merle or not?

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RE: aussie color
by: Anonymous

Its hard to say without seeing him,however, do be careful when/if breeding. I'm sure you have heard of 'lethal white' breeding merles together. This would be a great tragedy to say the least! Even if he is a 'black tri' I would be concerned that those 'grey hairs' would contribute to this factor. He may very well be a tri color but the risk would be far too great. I would only breed to non-merles just to be on the safe side. I'm sure he is a merle carrier... hope this is helpful. Good luck!

by: Anonymous

Merle is dominant, therefore a merle carrier is very unlikely. I would be very careful about breeding. Are you sure he is even breeding quality?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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