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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Miah My Loving Dog

by Bryce
(Calmar, Alberta, Canada)

I share Mia with my grandma and grampa because my dad has a bad allergy to dogs. She loves to play around people. She loves her belly scratched she is a tri color. She eats my grandmas cats food Mia loves cats. She loves the outside where she can run and run all day long. She loves to jump, cuddle, and chew she chews all my grandmas shoes. She is very hard to train but if you are one on one with Miah it is ok. She is 5 and a half months. She loves kids very very much, she loves to play with everyone. She is a very Quiet dog but when she barks it is very loud. We take her to our acreage where she loves to play and get dirty. There are other dogs out their to. She gets along with every animal we put her with. Hopefully she doesn't like porcupines. We are starting to train her she is very good with sitting. We all love her and we hope she will live a long long time.

My dog Miah
Bryce age 10

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Hi Everyone We are back!!!!!
by: Bryce and Miah

Thank you Paige for commenting we all are having a great time with our aussie. She is a great family and friend companion, she is always excited when my family or friends go out to the farm. she runs along nicly with the quad. She loves getting out and playing with other dogs. She loves to fetch and have a great time with guests. You better get ready before someone enters the enterance she goes bizar and howls, she makes it clear that someone had entered the propety.

I hope you like our story so far. Aussies are great family dogs and they will always be happy to be by your side. BRYCE and MIAH

Hi Paige
by: Bryce and Miah

Yes Miah is very protective of me and and all of my family and friends she knows almost everyone of my friends. Miah is a great dog and she is learning alot of tricks. Miah is so funny when she swims her first few strides are crazy and the water is just splashing around then suddenly it is a very calm and smooth stride. She is getting better at swimming and, she is also fitting in with the other dogs out there. One more thing about Miah before I wrap up is that Miah never gives up she will try to do anything and stick with it until she can get it done. One time before Miah was leading me to our fort and I thought it was very unusual. Then she started barking in the sky and leaping up very high and then I looked up and there was a stick dangling from the tree outside our fort and then I climbed up the tree got the stick down and then Miah just started killing the stick and thrashing it around in her mouth until the branch was just a few little shreds. Well thank you for commenting Paige and I will get back to other comments soon bye.
Bryce and his loving dog Miah

Wow sounds like a great dog
by: Paige

When I first heard about Miah, I thought she was a stunning, butiful, intelligent dog. But your last stories I also pictured Miah protective is Miah Protective Bryce I am very curious. Aussies are the best kind of dog breed, why did you pick this stunning type of dog and how and why did you pick miah from the other aussies. I will comment on your profile again seeya!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!
by: Bryce and Miah

Hi again we took Miah out to the dug out at our farm and boy did she love it. She is getting to be a great swimmer when she was younger and smaller she was trying to swim, she would paddle as hard as she could and her feet came out of the water and would splash her in the face, boy did we laugh so hard. Now it is normal for her she looks like a professional out on the water. She sure settled in well to my grandma's new house. Yesterday Miah came over to our house and we tonze of fun we played fetch with her, and gave her a couple milk bone treats and also water. We went down to the pond and seen Miah the pro swim. Then we had a nice delicious fathers day meal it tasted splendid!

Got to go Bryce and Miah (the loving dog)

by: Bryce and Miah

My Grandma and Grandpa is just putting the finishing touches on their new house last week they had gotten the blinds. My couzin and I like to work with wood and hammering nails and screwing screws, we hope to build a dog house for the dogs, that includes Miah and also the other two we got out there. My dog has her bed in my grandma's garage. It is fun training Miah we are training Miah to do back flips, she is actually pretty good at it. This is how we do it we grab a stick and throw the stick directly over head of Miah and then backflips. She is psycho over fetch you throw a stick or even a rock she brings it back to you and you have to throw again and again. She swims sort of awkward but it works.

any more questions or comments post please I will answer.

by: Bryce and Mia

I do not know lets just say fast!

by: Dawson

Miah is one of the best dogs I have ever heard about in the world!!! How fast does Miah run in one min

Awsome Aussie
by: BB

I love your story can you tell me more of it by the way, I like tri color

Thank you very much
by: Bryce and Miah

Hi Chase and thank you very very much. Miah is settled in her new home at the farm and she is getting along with all the animals out there. Although I am pretty sad that Miah is not in town any more, but the good side is that I could go see her any time I want. On Sunday we are going out to the farm for my Grandpas 58th birthday and Miah will be more than pleased to see all of us at the same time. We have a fort at our farm and we hope we can start mine and my cousins own business. My cousin and I built a little dog house for all the dogs at the land we used to have three dogs for a while until one dog named Rola moved away with one of my dad's workers. A few months after that my aunty and my uncle bought a dog a couple of months ago and they named him Bujda he is a great joy I hear, I met Bujda when he was only a few months old.

Hope you post again Bryce and Miah

This is a great story
by: Chase

I love your story and can you tell me more about it

you and miah are the bomb

by: TATE


Miah at one year old
by: Bryce

Miah is one year old boy time goes by fast with her. She is a fun loving dog who loves to play fetch with me. Miah lives out at my farm where my grandma is building her house. I live in town and when I want to go see her I go to my farm. I am responsible for buying her materials like food grandma and I take turns buying her food. But I buy all of her treats and toys. She is a great joy to have in our family.

Bryce and Miah

Hey Bryce
by: Anonymous

What a story Bryce when do you take her out to your farm.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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