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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Mini Aussie In Brooklyn, NY - Nips At People On The Street! City Dog Problem!

Scratching an itch

Scratching an itch

I adopted my Mini Aussie from a rescue group when he was a little over 2 years of age -- almost a year ago. He came from Maine. I live in Brooklyn, NY. For any of you out there with Mini / Aussies in the city, you know there can be a lot of people traffic.

My problem is that my dog nips at people passing by on our walks. I've tried to understand his behavior and triggers, but it really totally varies. Some walks, he doesn't nip at all! Some weeks he's totally fine.

While I try to keep him close on his leash when people walk by, it's hard to be focused on this the entire course of a walk. (And yes, even when he's well exercised, he does it).

It's very herder like and playful, but of course I'm worried it could get worse. Plus, people on the street are always offended and scolding as expected.

And he started up again today worse than ever, and after each person he nipped, he kept looking back at me and smiling (yep, he's a smiley dog).

He generally goes for the hands or thighs of passerbys.

Does anybody else have this issue with Aussies as city dogs? And how have you resolved it?

I thought he'd grow out of this behavior by now since I've had him for nearly a year.

To my knowledge, he was not abused beforehand -- but he was given away in part, because he'd nip at toddler's friends who visited the household.

Comments for Mini Aussie In Brooklyn, NY - Nips At People On The Street! City Dog Problem!

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by: Anonymous

Wow, that's quite an adjustment your dog had to make, from Maine(probably open spaces to run and roam)to an apt(I'm guessing)in a city. I feel your pain, we are from New York ourselves; we went from the city, to upstate(Dutchess county) to Florida(southwest), We brought our dog and two cats with us. but for you its the opposite. so its gotta be harder.

Have you tried obedience class, and or agility classes(get him good and tired, and with a purpose; or perhaps if you give him something to carry on his back(they sell backpacks)with water bottles or something.
I wish you the best, keep us posted.

We recently added a new little mini Aussie to our family, after our boy died, and he is a handful. He doesn't nip, but he barks at people and howls, and shakes with fear when strangers get too close;Not to mention, he is always herding our other dog(my daughter long haired Chihuahua)that is half his size, and very dominant.

by: Anonymous

Your dog sounds identical to mine. We've had her just barely a year. She was a stray and possibly was abused in her prior life judging from the problems she had but now she is so much better. BUT on occasion and mostly to men, she jumps and "more than nips" at people. I'm not sure how to cure this either. So I'm looking for answers as well.

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