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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Mini Aussies—Not Accepted?

by TinaMarie
(Columbus, OH)

I supposedly have a 'AKC Mini Aussie'. I've had several Shelties in my lifetime and while he has some similar looks as Shelties, his personality is clearly Aussie (based upon the books I've been reading). I was surprised to hear at my recent obedience class that 'Mini' Aussie's are not 'accepted' by the Aussie community because they are bred with other breeds. I have AKC papers on my dog... are they fake? It doesn't really matter—I love love love my little guy BUT... I'd like to understand this issue.

Note from Anton: We have an article about this on this site. Here's the link.

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Re: Registered Mini
by: Kym

Unfortunatly, AKC does NOT recognize 'mini' aussies, as far as the LABEL 'mini aussie'. If your aussie is just a LITTLE aussie then yes, it can be registered with AKC as long as both parents are AKC registered. There is no disqualification of size of the aussie (large or small) although there are 'guidelines'. They can be registered with the MASCA (Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America) and now they an be registered with AKC but the name is not Miniature Australian Shepherds, they are Miniature American Shepherds. Hope this was helpful.

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