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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Miniature Australian Shepherd Has Stomach and Licking Issues

by N H
(Memphis, TN)

Has anyone had a Mini Aussie who refuses to vomit? Ours gets sick often, he will eat random things and will not stop. Carpet, clothes, etc.

When he is sick or has an episode he licks everything and will go as far as pulling out his own hair and eating it. He licks the air and his lips constantly. He is four and we have been dealing with this several times a year since he was about a year old.

Comments for Miniature Australian Shepherd Has Stomach and Licking Issues

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Food may be lacking or could be boredom
by: Anonymous

Not sure if I am too late for this. Correct me if I am wrong in any of this. Also, remember to always ask your vet if you are not 100% sure about something.

If he gets stomach episodes because he eats random object then this could be due to his food lacking something (vitamin, mineral,etc.) and him trying to get it from another source. A change in diet or perhaps some supplements could fix this. But it could also be due to boredom. I have worked with an Aussie before that would eat an entire towel if left alone with it for five minutes in the crate (or anywhere near the crate, he would always find a way to get to it) because he was so high energy he always had to be doing something, giving him digestible toys such as antlers and bully sticks helped (digestible because he would eat the plastic and rubber toys as well).

The air licking and eating hair while having an episode is normal when someone has a horrible stomach ache they would often grip something or want to punch something due to the pain, this is a dog's reaction and he is just trying to deal as best as he can. Stop the pain and he will stop the behavior.

Good luck with your boy, hope he gets better.

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