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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Missy's Song

by David and Cheryl Skiles
(Copley, Ohio, USA)

Missy's Song

Missy's Song

We were referred to the area Pound by a local pet rescue group about an Australian Shepherd that they could not take because she was considered "at risk" due to having epilepsy and seizures. The pound had her under 24/7 observation and, if she had seized while there, would have had to put her down. We rescued her and did all we could medically to relieve the distress and frequency of her seizures. (Anyone with a seizure dog should feel free to contact us about treatment options and places to acquire the medicines at greatly reduced cost.)

We were so very blessed by having her in our family. She was so worth the "risk" and any costs we incurred to help her. Readers ~ remember this because not all dogs are perfect and sometimes the ones with weaknesses appreciate being loved and cared for more than most... and they show it with the biggest hearts in loving you back and their genuine appreciation of Life! We put together a power point presentation telling the wonderful story (abbreviated) of her life. Some of the pages are included here as pictures.

Loving Missy Always, David and Cheryl Skiles

Comments for Missy's Song

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by: Todd and Mattie

Thanx so much for what you did!! We had an amazing friend in a our Aussie named Rhett. Once you own one of these amazing animals you are touched for life. He lived 14 years and thanked us for EVERY meal his entire life. I miss him so very much. What you did for Missy is special.

God sees and he will bless you!!

God Bless You!
by: Anonymous

God bless you for loving her and in return she loved you! She is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge and you will be together forever... The absolute unconditional love they provide is unmatched! She was a special gift from God for special people like you! God Bless!

seizure dog
by: ken and karen

I just wanted to say we lost our shelby shells due to a seizure. She had seizures since 9 months old we learned alot during the times she had seizures and we learned how to control them. But of course when she had her last seizure we were not home for her and we tried everything in our power to help her but she died in front of us. Please visit the rainbow bridge part under shelby shells and you can see our story.

No matter how young or old our (kids) our we love them to their last day. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. you can reach me at of you like

A love one
by: Clint

I to have lost a good friend not long ago. They are truely part of our famliy. I will miss Blu and think about everyday. My heart goes out to you for your loss.


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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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