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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Mostly White Aussie?

by Steph



I rescued a dog from Craig's List who I was told is an Aussie. He reportedly has one standard Aussie parent and one mini Aussie parent. He is mostly white with a few black patches and a black bandits mask. His ears are fully erect. Totally fuzzy coat he looks like a big stuffed animal. I saw his whole litter all the pups were either a red & white or black & white with one of the pups looking like the tri color pattern.

Does this sound Aussie?

Comments for Mostly White Aussie?

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Ahh, yes
by: Anonymous

yes, from what you described he sounds Aussis, but why not send in a picture so we can see the handsome boy. he sounds adorable. enjoy him, they are great dogs. I've had two. a standard, and now a toy. they're personalities are the same, just different in size (I know there are those who beg to differ); anyway, I love my boy. he has the sweetest disposition, follows me everywhere, and is always willing to look for my approval and obey.

Mostly white Aussie
by: Steph

Thanks for your reply. I couldn't figure out how to attach Bandit's picture to this thread, so I posted a pic of him in the photos section ;)

Note from Anton: I got the photo you submitted and added it so it should now appear above.

Mostly white Aussie?
by: Steph

Thanks SO much, Anton!!!

oh my
by: Anonymous

He is adorable! looks like he is sweet as can be. Truthfully though he looks like he might be mixed with sheep dog; but that's ok. you rescued him, and that's what matters. he has a forever home with you, and you have a faithful, loyal, loving friend. enjoy him.

Best. Dog. Ever.
by: Steph

You are so right, AND he is the absolute BEST dog I've ever owned. I've never seen one ounce of aggression or dominant behavior from him. He's only 8 months old and is so calm & easy going.
A friend of mine says he reminds her of her old Wheaton Terrier, but I don't see any terrier in him at all!! As a lifetime dog owner, I've never met a dog that looks quite like Bandit. It's just plain old curiosity that I'm wanting to know his lineage!! Lol

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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