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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My 11-Month-Old Australian Shepherd Is Obsessed With Other Dogs!

by Megan

My 11-month-old Australian Shepherd is obsessed with other dogs! Not in an aggressive way he is just fascinated by every single dog we meet and wants to play with them all. He literally stops every time he sees another dog so I have to drag him past.

If I let him off the lead he completely ignores me and runs to the other dogs and I have to get him. He doesn’t know when to stop playing and when enough is enough.

Anyone got any tips or similar issues? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Comments for My 11-Month-Old Australian Shepherd Is Obsessed With Other Dogs!

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Social butterfly
by: Mary H

My Aussie was the same way when he was a puppy. They don’t just start settling down or slowing down until about two or 2 1/2 years. What helped with mine was I took him to a puppy training class and a big part of that was socialization that really seemed to help. He’s seven years old now and is a little more aloof when it comes to other dogs. But he certainly loves his people hasn’t met a stranger yet :-)

5 month old doing the same!
by: Anonymous

My 5-month-old Aussie is doing the same thing! I have enrolled him in obedience class and we literally spend the whole class trying to get him to stop barking at the other dogs. I feel like I am feeding him treats for an hour just so he can stop barking and focus on me. When we walk, we must stop and sit until other dogs pass. I have found that I must walk him with some kibble in my pocket so I can teach him this when we walk. The excitement of new dogs can sometimes just be too much for him. I am hoping this settles down as he matures and maybe after he gets neutered?

Our Aussie Loves Meeting Other Dogs on His Walks
by: Roseann

Our 11-month-old Aussie loves other dogs. When walking him he sits down when he sees another dog until it reaches him. They greet each other, have sniffs and then he moves along. When its dogs he meets on his walks every day he and the other dogs linger for a little longer before moving along. That gives us time to socialize with the other doggy parents. We are always very careful about allowing him to approach dogs that we don't know. There is a woman we meet whose beautiful Golden was bitten on her snout by a dog she didn't know, it latched on and the Golden had to have stitches from her eye right down to her chin. Poor puppy. Poor puppy mum.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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