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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My 2-Year-Old Mini Aussie Has Stopped Eating

by Jessika
(Florence, Italy)

Dante in his new home.

Dante in his new home.

I recently traveled to a new home with Dante. He is quite nervous and the flight was tough for him, but he’s settled into his new home and large garden. He's getting lots of exercise and walks. He sleeps well and seems to have lots of energy. But, he has stopped eating!

If I’m lucky, I can get him to eat one small piece of cooked chicken. He will drop and leave the rest. He simply looks at his usual food—and walks away.

What is going on?

Comments for My 2-Year-Old Mini Aussie Has Stopped Eating

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by: Rich

Our girl did the same. She's so spoiled she eats out of our hand half the time and off paper plates. The ding ding on metal bowls was bothering her is the only thing I came up with.

by: Anonymous

Could be nerves, sometimes when in a new environment a dog will just not eat due to stress. If this has only happened for a day or two then don't worry about it, leave the bowl for 15 minute intervals twice or three times a day and take it away if he doesn't eat, he will get hungry after he calms down.

If this has gone on for long enough that he is actually losing weight then I would say take him to the vet just to be safe, but try to change his food a bit like adding something tasty to it. I have known dogs that stop eating because they are bored with their kibble, then as soon as I add something new to it like blueberries, blackberries or even some powder from freeze dried food (Stella and Chewy's is magic) they eat it right up.

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