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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My 4 Mo Old Aussie Doesn't Have Longer Fur Yet, Will It Ever?

by Miranda Wheatley
(Hanson, Kentucky)

Zoey when I first got her (13 wks)

Zoey when I first got her (13 wks)

My 4 month old Aussie, named Zoey, seems to have a coat that grows slower than other pups I have seen. Her litter mate came into the vet I work at the other day and she was nothing but a fuzz ball! Zoey is a black and white Aussie (if that makes a difference). I was wondering if it's normal for her coat to not become fluffy yet? Thank you!

Comments for My 4 Mo Old Aussie Doesn't Have Longer Fur Yet, Will It Ever?

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About Zoeys coat.
by: kaitlyn

She probably has a working coat. My aussie Indie has a working coat while my boy has a show coat. (Show coat is long and fluffy. working coat is shorter)

Longer fur
by: Anonymous

What a beautiful picture! My aussie's hair started off short and when I look back at her pictures her fur kept growning. Now at 2 1/2 years old she has beautiful long hair. No matter what happens, you will still love her.

short hair
by: Ava

What a cutie... I have 2 Aussies, Charlie is a red tri male that is 4 years old. He has never had a lot of hair and will never be the fluffly hair ball that I thought Aussie's were. However, Jackson, my blue merle is a total fuz ball and typical Aussie, totally oppisite of Charlie. I am so thankful that Charlie does not have all that hair. Jackson leaves fur balls all over the house and I vaccumn and sweep daily, so we have been getting him shaved. My husband said the dog or the hair, so it is the hair. Actually Jackson looks so much better with his short hair. But I know where you are coming from. I ask the vet the same question with Charlie, why no long hair and she said not all aussies have the long hair she see's more with the short hair than long.

Take Care

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Most 4 month old Aussies are naked and appear to be smooth coated, but I assure you that your pup's coat will come in. Some bloodlines have more coat at a young age. My 14 month old still has puppy coat, but I know that someday she will look like her mom who is a fur girl.

by: Anonymous

I might be wrong but I'm Pretty sure that's a Border Collie.

Ummm lol
by: Anonymous

That looks like more of a Border Collie than Australian Shepard.

Australian Black Bi Shepard
by: Anonymous

Umm nope I have an Aussie pup that is a Black Bi and she looks just like this one. Mine came from and Aussie farm and her brother is a tri and is owned by my good friend.

Ditto! I have the same thing!
by: Anonymous

I have the exact same issue! Mine is 4 months and also a black bi. She's sleek and not at all the puffy I thought she'd be.

My red tri boy is the same way.
by: Anonymous

My 4 month old red tri boy has a really sleek, shiny coat. He was never really that fuzzy as a little pup. All the pictures of others I see are super fuzzy and fluffy. I was worried he might have a different coat but his parents have long coats. But, I will love him no matter what kind of coat he has.

Will aussie hair grow longer as dog ages
by: Jan M

I have a mini black tri 4 month old pup and he may very well be from a working line because he was born with a bob tail. Very cute! He is from a backyard breeder who owns 4 mini aussies, all with longer hair. While my pup's ears have fluffy longer hair, the rest of him is still pretty smooth. His mom had a beautiful longer coat and I never saw the father. My pup's hair looked longer in his photos when he was 4 - 6 weeks of age and I got him at 9 weeks. I am also hoping his coat will grow longer and silky like his mother as he grows. While I will love him no matter what coat he has, I think we all have expectations of what we believe an aussie should look like. Some people prefer shorter hair dogs and don't usually get an aussie puppy if this is their preference, but I do believe aussie lovers have a picture their heads that our aussies will have longer hair.

border collie
by: Anonymous

um i’m pretty sure that’s a border collie

16 month & 4 month old Aussie
by: Brandym7

My two Aussies are 1 year plus one day apart (DOB 10/25 & 10/26 - different parents).
The 16 m/o girl, Ebony was a fuzz ball black-tri, and now has long silky hair.
The 4 m/o boy, Ivory, red Merle, is long and lean with short hair. He may grow into a long coat, but if not then less fuss and muss.
They’re great companions for each other. Both have docked tails. Thank the Lord.
My Aussie-Border Collie is a nightmare to keep brushed and tail trimmed.
They’re fun and adorable. As I’m nearly 80 y/o myself, I need them to keep me active. Yahoo

Border Collie?
by: Anonymous

Sorry, but that looks like a Border Collie, not an Aussie.

My 5 month old female!
by: Nikki

My 5 month old Dixie has short hair as well? It’s gotten a little thicker but not much! And she was the runt of her litter I was told, she is also registered as a standard size but is way smaller then other dogs!

Long and short hair
by: Anonymous

I have a mini Australian Shepherd that weighs about 26 pounds and she is nine months old. She has long hair down her back but her sides are much shorter. Do you think the hair will even out?

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