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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussie Does Not Bark At All

by JJ

Hi Everyone,

We have a 11 weeks old Aussie, and he's very smart and easy to train. However, he just doesn't bark at all, even at strangers or anything that appears to certainly get his attention.

Can anyone please let us know if that's is normal for a young Aussie and at what age would an Aussie become a good watchdog?

Thank you.

Comments for My Aussie Does Not Bark At All

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by: Debbie

My aussie is 10 months old and she didn't bark for several weeks when we first got her. She does now. Just wait...

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

My 1st Aussie didn't bark until he was almost a year and then he never stopped. When he was really old-- 14-- he was deaf and thought that we couldn't hear him, so he barked more. So, count your blessings. Aussies are protective and usually bark at strangers or anything else that happens in the neighborhood. One of our girls is the sentinel who watches out the upstairs window for anything that might be going on. She is not a big barker, though. She just warns us that something is happening and that is what you want for a watchdog.

Thank you
by: JJ

Debbie and Gayle,

Thank you very much for your very good and kind comments. I feel a lot better now.

by: Nonnie

We have two Aussies who are 19 months old. They didn't bark at first. Now they kinda take turns unless someone is at the door, then they just go nuts! We are training them to stop barking if we tell them to leave it. That way we can control who they bark at. If there is someone at the door and I don't know who it is, I let them raise a storm. If it is just someone walking their dog or members of our family, I only want them to bark once to tell me and then leave it.

Socialize your puppy as much as possible so that he learns about different people. Ask people in the PetSmart to touch your puppies feet, pet them, etc.

Good Luck!!

Re: Barking
by: Anonymous

DONT WORRY! Your puppy WILL bark soon....LOL! Just give it time. Right now your pup is still young and just checking out the world. Taking everything in. As your puppy ages, the 'aussie' will start to come out! They ARE barkers!! Be thankful right now. MOST of my aussies(I have had 5) were good about only barking when there was something to bark about(except 1 she barked at everything!You know,leaves falling from trees etc. Someone/something outside they could hear,smell, or see. Right now there is no need to bark. Your pup will start to become protective, and alert you to anything out of the norm. Just give your pup time. Be patient.

At 8 weeks
by: Anonymous

My blue merle wouldnt stop barking at 8 weeks!!!

seems to be common
by: Anonymous

My Aussie boy also would not bark at the door or at all. At about four-five months he started barking. He possibly learned it from our chihuahua who is all watch dog. lol

He hasnt learned to bark yet
by: Anonymous

He is still a baby and just has not discovered his bark yet. Mine did not at first, then one day he discovered he could make that sound then he was excited about it and got carried away. He barks a lot now thinking he is the boss of everything around and it is a struggle to keep it under control. I am trying to find a solution to his behavior still. Research it early on before a bad habit forms so that you will be prepared how to train properly, just in case :)

Bark, Bark, Bark
by: Keith

Our Aussie didn't bark when she was a puppy but now it's out of control. She barks at every little thing she hears. She walks around like she is the Queen. Oh boy what a handful she is.

Aussie doesn't bark
by: JM

My 9 month old Aussie doesn't bark. She is a silent dog. I have only heard her bark twice: once when my daughter was marching around with a kazoo, very loudly, dressed like a cat (something about the combination scared her) and once when she thought the kids were being too rough with each other.

When other dogs are around, even if the bark like mad, she stays quiet and calm.doesn't bark at animals or people at all. Hope this continues!

Mute Aussie
by: Anonymous

I have a toy Australian Shepherd that is about three years old. He literally never barks. The five times that I have ever heard it in his whole life is when somebody walks into my house without knocking first.

by: Dennis

We adopted a 12 Australia Shepherd 2 months ago and he hasn't barked onc yet. SWEET dog

Reply to Aussie Does Not Bark
by: Anonymous

I couldn't help but laugh when I read this post. Eleven weeks is just a puppy. Wait until the brain matures! Mine didn't bark either. The first time he barked was when 3 teenage boys came running towards us while walking down the street. When your boy starts lifting his leg to pee, that's when it will begin. I used to take my boy to the beach to play until he began encircling men and barking at them. Then came the nip. Mine was the perfect puppy until one year. It all changed. He became a liability. Very protective and wants to boss everyone around. He wants to set the rules! Came from a strong herding line. Hard to handle on my own but I manage. Yes, when adolescence sets in, you'll see the change.

by: Anonymous

i have a 8 year old aussie and he doesnt bark he only howls to the fire truck siren

My mini Aussie doesn’t bark either
by: Anonymous

We have a 3 years old mini Aussie and I only heard him bark twice, never again. We adopted him at age 2 and I thought his vocal cords were cut, than months later he barked twice. I would like him to bark, when someone at the door at least, but he doesn’t. Is there a way to train him to start barking?

non barking Aussie
by: Sherbs

I have a Lab/Viszla cross who almost never barks (she is 6) and I now have a 5 month old Aussie who is typically barky, so it's a real shock! But I would observe that my crossbreed is quite a stressy, excitable dog. The fact she is silent masks this, but she is sometimes unable to cope with things (agility shows for example, we can't really compete because her reaction to stress is just to sniff the ground non stop). So I think barking is not a bad thing if it helps your dog deal with stress and express excitement. Your puppy may simply be so content, it does not have anything to say yet!

by: Bruce

My dog is 14 months old and he never barks... Hopefully it stays that way.

No Bark
by: Anonymous

Our Australian Shepard is 2 years old and NEVER barks. I’m actually relieved to know there are others who don’t bark. He does make other sounds to communicate here and there, and you can look at him and tell how he’s doing, expressive.

Is There Something I Should Do?
by: Anonymous

Mine is 2 years old and turns 3 in November and I don’t know what to do. are y’all sure she will bark at some point or is there something I should do?

My aussie
by: Anonymous

Hi! My Aussie is almost five years old and doesn’t bark at all, only when she’s playing with other dogs but not something to worry about or disturbing at all.

by: Annie

I, too, thought when our mini aussie was a pup that she was never going to bark but she finally did at 8 months of age, just shortly before she went into heat for the first time. She is a very mild mannered dog but when she was in heat she could get aggressive in a way she hadn’t ever been. (We had her spayed after her first heat as we weren’t going to breed her.) She’s not a big barker now but we did teach her the "enough" command so that when she does bark at something in the neighborhood or when someone she doesn’t know enters the house she will obey the command. She doesn’t bark at delivery people. She thinks every box that is delivered to the house is for her and that’s why I think she doesn’t bark at them.

No Bark
by: Jack

My Aussie is 10 years old and has barked less than 20 times in his whole life!

Isn’t that wonderful?

by: Anonymous

My Aussie is 2 and half years old and he rarely ever barks at anyone of anything the only time he vocalizes is when there is danger or he is playing with my other dogs but besides that he is dead silent.

Growling at strangers
by: Anonymous

My mini aussie doesn't bark much. She only barks when she's scared. My aussie doesn't like strangers and will growl at them. The first time she met my brother she barked at him. Didn't know if he was a child or adult. My brother has dwarfism. She's used to him now though. Winter will soon be upon us and I wish she'd bark so we'll know when she wants to come in. The growling at people is something I want her to stop doing. Any ideas?

13 month aussie
by: Anonymous

My Aussie is 13 months old has NEVER barked; only when she’s playing.

Aussie mix that never barks
by: Anonymous

I have an Aussie/Lab mix that NEVER barks. I mean NEVER. It’s very weird. I didn’t know there were dogs that didn’t bark!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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