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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussie Is Being A Weird Dog

by Brett

Ok so a little preface information before the actual question/problem; so Aussie Dad works from home while Aussie Mom works just a short distance away from home. We own a red merle who is a chunky lil potato and just turned 2 years in the beginning of October. He is from a ranch bred Aussie family and we got him as a 8 week old pup. He is definitely a Mommas boy and is very protective/obsessed with her. Dad trained him well and he knows that being aggressive is a huuuuuge no no for this household so he has never lashed out at anyone or any dogs while he's out and about with Mom or whenever we have company. He loves everyone and everything. He is extremely friendly and gets sad when he can't play with every dog and lick every face. He is very well liked and just a jelly bean of love. This past year he has gotten super possessive over Mom. Not in an aggressive way just in a "I have to get in between Mom and Dad whenever they hug and lick them till they stop touching" kind of way. Its sweet so we just kind of let it happen for the most part or just tell him off if its too much for us.

It just kind of seems like he is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde "dog-ified" because during the day when Mom is out at work he is just super calm and relaxed and loves to sleep at Dad's feet and get ear rubs and belly pats and just sleeps away or "boofs" whenever he wants to play but as soon as Mom gets home it's the expected Aussie craziness and butt wiggles and howling with joy but then after he calms down and Mom and Dad are just hanging out in their respective spots on the couch (Mom) and armchair (Dad), this is after his dinner and potty break, he begins to just stare daggers into Dad and gets all up in his business and annoys the living daylights out of him. He doesn't want to play, nor potty, and he isn't hungry. He just stares holes for no other reason than that Dad is in the same room as Mom. Once Dad gets up and heads in the office the staring stops and he goes and does his own thing.

TL;DR Aussie won't stop staring at Dad only when Mom is home and they are in the same room together. Is there any reason to this other than "oh he's an Aussie and he'll stare if he wants something"... But all of his needs are pretty much met? Is there anything we can do? Dad feels bad for getting annoyed.

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