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My Aussie Is Suddenly Dog Aggressive...
by Kym
(Colorado Springs)
I have owned Aussies my whole life. I have my 5th one now, a 2 1/2 year old female. She is the sweetest thing ever or at least she was. Suddenly, she is attacking my other dog for no apparent reason! I have 2 other dogs (a 3 year old Border Collie/Aussie, and an 18 month old German Shepherd) and 1 foster (a 1 year old Boxer mix). I am VERY careful about 'integrating' fosters into my 'pack' (I have been fostering for years-no problems.) They were all living peacefully for the last week and then it happened... my Aussie attacked my German Shepherd out of the blue and my Border Collie joined in (a pack thing?)
I thought everything was ok (thinking back hind-sight, thought it was over 'fast food' YUMMY)so... no more food around the dogs. Two days later, everyone is out playing together ( I am with them) and all of a sudden... she attacked my Shepherd AGAIN! And then they all jumped on her!! I was alone scared to death but managed to get them off of her with minimal damage...
WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY SWEET DOG???? PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY DOG!!! I don't want to get rid of her but I cannot have this behaviour. They all get LOTS of exercise, go to the dog park, well socialized...