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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussie Pup And Our Pool

by Joe
(Mechanicsburg, PA)

We have a very active 11-month old Aussie pup. We recently opened our in-ground pool and expected that he would love it. Quite the contrary; he seems afraid of it. He runs around it, very close by, but never jumps in. When we get in he paces constantly, often barking. We thought they liked water, any ideas for his behavior?

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by: Anonymous

Be glad your pup doesn't like your pool. Your chemical balance in the pool will be messed up and you will have to put more chemicals in. Teach it to stay on the outside and watch.

Aussies Not Water Dogs
by: Anonymous

Aussies are not typically fond of the water. Their outer coat (Silk Coat) is actually designed to repel water. Unlike a labrador they prefer running on solid ground not paddling in the water.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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