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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussie Pup Seems Too Calm! Is Something Wrong?

I have a 13 week old Australian Shepherd. I got first pick on the litter and I chose the calmest pup of the bunch. I'm beginning to worry that something is wrong with him though. He does show bursts of energy occasionally throughout the day, though mostly, he just wants to sleep. Have any of you had similar experiences with your Aussies or is this behavior abnormal? Let me know what you think!

Questions About Your Aussie Puppy?
Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for My Aussie Pup Seems Too Calm! Is Something Wrong?

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Couch Potato Aussie
by: Dee McKown

My first Aussie was a couch potato. She loved to run around outside and play but only if I participated. She came to work with me every day and slept under the desk. She was my very best friend for 11 1/2 years until she died. I was able to find a litter fairly shortly after she died and I found a little boy puppy who is exactly like my old girl. He comes to work with me, sleeps under the desk and goes everywhere with me. He runs and plays outside if I play with him or he has a friend to play with but at heart, he, too, is a couch potato.
I always look for the calmest puppy in a litter or the one that sleeps through a visit. I would never buy a pup without spending a lot of time with the litter and see how the pups all react to me and to the world. I think you are lucky unless you wanted a high strung dog.

Calm aussie
by: Jo

I thought the same about ours. We had the last pup left. He is almost 2 now and only just started to bark. I have met some absolutely manic aussies so now im greatful that over calm puppy turned into a placid dog with lots of energy and spunk at the right times. Not all the time :-)

Aussie too calm
by: Nancy

I wouldn't worry as your 13 wk old Aussie is just a baby. Babies need lots of sleep. He should be showing lots of energy as he ages. I don't think you have anything to worry about. If it would make you feel better, see a vet. I think he is okay though.

Calming dogs
by: Adrian B ....Australia

My 2.5 yo Girl Bonnie is as cool calm and collected as you can get, I love her to death and she now works as a therapy dog at The Royal Childrens Hospital here in Melbourne Australia, it is what she is suited for her, but obedience training is sharp and direct and her agility work is also good .....but she is sooo lazy when she wants to be and is just as happy being right beside me or under my feet...... I cannot for the life of me get her to chase a ball or play tug of war beyond a couple of minutes or outside the house and believe me we have tried !!....... Do you train your dog ??..... perhaps your level of training needs a lot more enthusiasum from you which can then transfer into your dog ?? does work with some and only half works with others as is our case ......some do and some dont 😊
Good luck Adrian and "Bonnie the Superdog" (Facebook Page)

my 6.5 month old aussie is a calm boy
by: Anonymous

My 6.5 month old aussie is such a good, calm boy. He is only hyper when i have friends around or guests because he wants to be part of the social circle, or we're playing, or he gets bored on a hike. other than that, he sleeps while i work and study from home. we walk 15 mins in the morning, 15 mins in the afternoon, he has food puzzle toys, we play frisbee together in the afternoon or dog park or just off leash running at a park. i think this is what gets him to be a really chill pup. I have no issue with it! and he is not neutered yet!

My two Australian Shepherd puppies...
by: Lindsey

My husband and I adopted two pure Australian Shepherd puppies last May and they are turning 1 year old this month! One is full of energy (the alpha of the litter and opinionated lol) and the other one is the calmest and quietest dog I have ever met! We wanted to get two so that they would have a friend just like them. We have heard stories of litter-mate syndrome when adopting two litter mates, but so far our puppies haven't shown any signs of it (I wonder if this has to do with one being the alpha and the other being, what I call, the "super" omega).

I was worried about our calmer one being so calm... but our vet said that dogs have personalities just like people! We had to teach our girl Aussie, Nellie (the alpha), to "whisper" when barking inside while Maverick (the super omega) never barks. So when training her, I would say "whisper" followed by a treat when she whispered instead of barking, and for him I would say "quiet... good" and give him a treat lol! Nellie likes have a job to do while Maverick is just happy to be where ever he is at the moment! We are looking into agility courses for her and therapy certifications for him to go visit kids as hospitals!

For anyone looking to get an Aussie, I highly recommend puppy socialization and training early on! If you are looking for a "Maverick", look for the sleepiest puppy of the bunch! Also Maverick never play nipped at us when looking at the litter!

Follow them on Instagram @TheMilkerPups to see what they are up to!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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