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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussie Wont Stop Barking At Kids

by Ginna

Our Australian Shepherd is 1 year old, and she is not usually around kids. And when a kid is around, walking in the street, or tries to pet her, she won't stop barking, which makes me really nervous, and I don't really know what to do.

We went to obedience classes and the advise from the trainer was to make the kids give her treats but she won't receive treats from any kid. I am so worried, and sad because when the kids approach her she will scare them. :(

Does anyone else have the same problem? Does anyone know how can I help her, and make her feel safe around kids?

Ps. She is so good with adults and so friendly. She will roll over so they can rub her belly.

Thank you!!

Comments for My Aussie Wont Stop Barking At Kids

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by: Anonymous

Take your dog to a playground or schoolyard but stay way back from them. Feed treats and talk calming* with your dog as you approach. Watch for subtle signs of stress way before she starts to bark. When she shows stress, comfort her and go away and try again later. Keep the duration very short. Over time, as your dog becomes less reactive, increase time and decrease distance gradually. Because she seems to already have a stress response, her adjustment from barky to neutral or happy may take awhile.
Figure out two things: signs of stress in your dog, how to be with your dog when she's stressed and you'd like her to be calm.

Same problem. Do you have an update?
by: Ruben

My aussie is 1 year old and has the same problem you describe. From what I see he doesn't do the kids anything. Just barking and sometimes jumping at them. I'm obviously super careful with unleashing him at the dog park but it has happened a kid ran past unexpectedly and he went crazy.

I wonder how your pup developed and if it got any better. I'm doing a lot of conditioning with my pup but it doesn't seem to work.


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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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