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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussies

I had three Aussie's until a few days ago. Freckles died from Squamous Cell Carcenoma. It was not diagnosed until it was too late. She never showed any signs of this horrible disease until it was too late. The only symptom is bad breath. She had yearly dentals, plus I brush her teeth weekly. Within one week she was gone. My two other boys are still waiting at the gate and walking the house looking for her. It is devastating to me and to them that she will not return.

These dogs are wonderful, loyal, protective and so beautiful. They protect me as well as guard my little ranch.

Please note, if your dog has bad breath, something is wrong... please get it checked ASAP. Although I always had dentals, vet checks, I still could not prevent this disease.

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My Aussies
by: Rose

Thank you... nothing anyone can say to me will help me with the loss of my dear Freck... I know you understand, but you know...

lost mine recently
by: Anonymous

lexie was 12 y.o and diagnosed with bone cancer. she was given 3-6 months. after 6 weeks it was time to say good bye. she was crying with pain. a loving and loyal friend. we miss her alot as you miss yours. i have made a plaque with her picture and talk to her each day as with ben and sydney too. they always hold a piece of our hearts. sorry for your loss.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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