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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Aussies

by Tom
(Pensacola, Florida)

This is Noelle

This is Noelle

The newest addition is a blue merle and has blue eyes, her name is Noelle, she is a quick learner even at 9 weeks she was bred by an Aussie breeder. Her mom is a tri color and her dad is a brown and blue.

Although this picture is a few years after we got him he did not look this happy when we got him. Sam is a red merle with both eyes golden, a runner, while he runs he displays the herding bred into these animals.
The sad part about Sam is he comes from 2 abusive homes, a 16 yr old abused him very badly that he was afraid of his own shadow, the second home was where there was a dominate male and the owner would not separate them so the dominate one would eat all the food till the point of him puking then jump on Sam and submit Sam into the corner, so much so that he was very skinny and his hair was falling out. The next part of this story is how we came to meet.

My wife heard about this dog saying he needs a home and he doesn't like men or boys and at the time I was looking for a Catahoula pup, so I said well let's go meet him and see. We took our other Dog she is a Sheltie-Shephard mix and her name is Baby, and I put 2 handfuls of milk bone dog biscuits in my jacket pockets, off we went. We get to the house and you can clearly see Sam huddling in the corner while the other dog is barking and carrying on. I waited in the truck while my wife and my Daughter went up to the house, they talked a minute so I got out of the truck with my other dog and got down on my knees and had Baby right there, well they come out of the Florida room with Sam on a leash he sees me and another dog his tail begins to wag, I said to them turn him loose, they say no he will run away, I say no he won't he'll come right here because of another dog here, they turned him loose he came to Baby and they did they greeting, I wasn't intimidating to him because I was on his level the owners were like that's a first, I offered him a biscuit but he was hesitant, I gave one to be Baby and he saw it was ok so I offered another one, by that time my wife and daughter and the others were getting out in the yard near me, I told them stay back let me be the first to greet him so he's not overwhelmed. 1 biscuit good 2 biscuits good then he let me pet him. Then here comes the surprise the owners were shocked by this next statement. He stood in front on me and raised his paws and put them on my shoulders and to this day I will say he gave me a hug. The owners said he don't do that he don't like men. I said rather abruptly that you aren't dog lovers. I am. so I was able to rub his belly while he groaned and scratched his back like it hadn't been scratched before we rolled in the wet grass, then it was time to go. I took off their leash, I opened the back door to the Yukon and I said to him, Sam let's go home he jumped right in, those other people were like yea you are definitely more of a dog lover than me. I said well you just having a dog and sticking in the back yard without any human interjection doesn't make them a pet you have to show love and Aussies are very needy and you weren't providing that. But no worries he'll get plenty at my house.

It has taken a few years, but look at that picture that is one happy boy.
I don't have a problem telling this story over and over.

I as another Aussie owner has said I won't own any other breed. Sam and I are buds I take him where ever I go when I can.

The new one Noelle opens another chapter. We will see how she turns out. By the way I don't take them in to breed; she'll get fixed when the time comes. Sam is fixed also. But if they weren't they would have made some beautiful puppies.

Comments for My Aussies

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My Aussies
by: Anonymous

Sam has now crossed the rainbow bridge earlier this year and he is missed greatly, but knowing that he lived out the rest of his life, happy is good enough for me.

Noelle is turning 5 this year and although she was supposed to be for my daughter she has attached herself to me. Yes, the original velcro dog. Goes anywhere does anything for me, she is stubborn towards other members of the house but I snap my fingers she jumps.

She has a penchant for tennis balls we play until I say its enough usually lasts 30-45 minutes, and even though she's panting heavily and her tongue hanging out, and her pupils are wide because she is so excited, she's ready to go some more. One happy girl she is. We also raised from a pup a German Shepherd Border Collie mix, and he is great. But that's a story for a different site.

True dog lover
by: Jan

Loved your story and God Bless happy for Sam I love to see this kind of ending I hope Sam enjoys the rest of his life Happy with you!! I have 2 Aussies Cooper my wonderful smart love to death blk tri male and my beautiful blue Merle Bella both are fixed and they are 8 & 9 yrs old got them when they were 10 weeks and 6 weeks the best part of my life and they are truly wonderful dogs🐾
Enjoy Sam and and your new little 🐾😎

by: Anonymous

That other family are missing out on an extraordinary animal / pet / family member. Well done and I hope there are many happy years ahead for you and your Aussie.

Your story
by: Anonymous

Thank you for loving your dog's and giving Sam the kind of home every dog should have.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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