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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Australian Shepherd Doesn't Want To Run Anymore

by Ema Plesko

Hello, My Aussie (Xena) is 7,5 years old. Lately, she doesn't want to go on a longer walk anymore. She used to walk with my dad almost every day for 1-2 hours - she was always so excited when he put his walking shoes on. Now she sometimes goes with him but after 10min she just turns back and goes home. (We live in a small village so she knows every meadow and every forest by heart.) She still goes for a run with me but she doesn't look so energetic and most of the time she runs 5-10m behind me. (She always used to run way ahead me.) All this started this summer. (I wonder if she doesn't want to go because it might be to hot for her - we live in a Mediterranean climate?)

Xena doesn't look like she is in pain when walking/running or at least I don't see it. But she has her head and tail a bit lower than usually.

Otherwise she looks perfectly normal - she wants to cuddle all the time, when somebody comes home she is excited and jumpes around, she carries shoes around wagging her tail, she eats normal...

I wonder if anyone can give me some advice, should I take her to the vet?

Thank you,


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Hemp supplement
by: Neil

I have an 11-year-old tri-color that had some of the same actions. My vet said he had some pulled ligaments and indicated it might improve with time. I put him on Veterinary Naturals Hemp & Hips Dog Joint Supplement on a daily basis and now six months later he is back to his old self. The recovery was remarkable and his vet was amazed. This is available on Amazon here.

by: Peter B

My 15-year-old Aussie gets a teaspoon of liquid Glucosamine twice a day in his food for the last 5 years and he runs! Before he had difficulty with stairs, stiff joints.

by: Ema Plesko

Thank you all for advice. :)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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