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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Australian Shepherd Gets Aggressive With Mountain Bikers

by Shaun Bell

Trail ready!

Trail ready!

Been taking our 4 month old pup out on the trails for long walks. He loves meeting people and other dogs, but gets aggressive with bikers and doesn't care too much about me telling him to sit and stay lol.

With dogs and people he's very obedient. Not the case with bikes. What's a good training strategy? Being I'm a mountain biker myself, he's going to be running into a lot of them. : )

Comments for My Australian Shepherd Gets Aggressive With Mountain Bikers

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Aussie chase mode
by: Anonymous

Your pup is simply following his true nature - herding. These dogs react to movement and chase instinctively, it can't be called aggression. You need to desensitize your pup to bikes, cars, runners etc. I took my pup out to walk near a busy road at rush hour daily when he was 9 weeks, and he does not react to any of it now. (Well, squirrels.) Take your pup to busy places as well as quiet trails and he will learn to accept speedy movement.

I should have known that lol.
by: Shaun

That should have been obvious why he was chasing the biker lol. I'll check out the Suunto heat maps for the most runners and rider and get him on a leash for a bit.

Australian Shepherd gets aggressive with bikers
by: Anonymous

Sorry you've had issues with your dog becoming aggressive with mountain bikers. My dog has the same issue. He is four years old now, so I'm worried about correcting the issue. He's not very well socialized (born just before covid and he lives in a not really social household.) He also gets too excited when he sees people and jumps up too much. I'm super super concerned about this. He is not a mean dog, but he HURTS people and probably can hurt them more than he does already. Any advice...grateful. THANK YOU!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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